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Mayor Wheeler announces enforcement of the revised camping ordinance will begin July 1

News Article

Since the revised camping ordinance was unanimously approved by City Council on May 8, 2024, the city has engaged in an education campaign to inform the community of these changes.

Enforcement of the revised camping ordinance began on July 1, 2024. 

Enforcement will begin narrowly focused on camps throughout the city that present the greatest health and safety risks. This will take place in collaboration with the Street Services Coordination Center and Neighborhood Response Teams.

While enforcement must be carried out by law enforcement, the Portland Police Bureau’s standard operating procedures require that police coordinate with the City’s Street Services Coordination Center (SSCC) prior to any enforcement action.  

How enforcement will work:

  1. Public reports of unsanctioned camps made to 3-1-1 or at portland.gov/homelessnessimpactreduction/report-campsite are scheduled for an assessment for their impact to the wider community and environment.
  1. Camps that score in the top 10%, and/or high impact camps affecting the work of City of Portland employees, are referred to the SSCC for further assessment.
  1. The SSCC will evaluate these referred camps for possible violations of City Code, discuss any previous outreach efforts to the location or individual(s), and assess the camps impact on the wider community. 
  1. SSCC will decide whether the camp needs 1) an enhanced outreach effort, 2) no further action, or 3) referral to police.
  1. SSCC referrals to police will provide context on previous outreach efforts, offers of shelter, and impact to the community. The SSCC will refer camps to PPB Neighborhood Response Team leaders.
  1. As resources allow, PPB Neighborhood Response Teams will visit referred sites to take appropriate enforcement actions. These teams will have access to SSCC information and resources as needed.

The Mayor's office meets regularly with the District Attorney's office. We are confident that our priorities are aligned on getting vulnerable populations connected to the appropriate service structure, whether through initial outreach or diversion programs. We also believe it is important to establish clear guidelines related to unsanctioned camping in our community.

For more information, please visit: Camping Ordinance | Portland.gov

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