Mayor Wheeler Introduces Five Notable Items in City Council This Week

Press Release
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Eileen Park, (503) 823-6541

Mayor Wheeler Introduces Five Notable Items in City Council This Week

You can find the full Council agenda here.

Items 101, 102, 103, 104 – Affordable Housing

Mayor Wheeler will bring 36 units of affordable housing to City Council, which is the result from four new projects under the Inclusionary Housing Multiple-Unit Limited Tax Exemption (IH MULTE) program. The program is a financial incentive to make units affordable in developments that would otherwise be market-rate. The four projects are: Anna Jeter (1650 SE Spokane St.), Halsey106 (10550 NE Halsey St.), Kōz (NE Sandy Blvd.) and Stacy DeWall (1660 SE Spokane St.).

Item 113 – Condemning White Supremacy and Alt-Right Hate Groups (Introduced by Mayor Wheeler, Commissioners Eudaly, Fish, Fritz and Hardesty)

City Council is introducing an ordinance condemning white supremacy and alt-right groups in Portland, and calling for the City to work with community organizations to develop city-wide training on the history and impact of white supremacy, and how to identify white supremacy.
