Mayor Wheeler’s Statement on President Trump’s Repeal of the Clean Power Plan

Press Release
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Michael Cox, 503-823-4046

Mayor Wheeler’s Statement on President Trump’s Repeal of the Clean Power Plan

PORTLAND, OR – Mayor Ted Wheeler released the following statement on President Donald Trump’s Executive Order dismantling the Clean Power Plan.

“Newly confirmed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and President Trump may make the misguided decision to try to destroy the Clean Power Plan. Our city and region will stay the course and move beyond coal and other fossil fuels. Portland is showing the rest of the country that clean energy, sustainable development, and walkable communities mean local action is a smarter choice than federal inaction.”

West Coast Governors and Mayors reaffirm their “commitments to our communities to do what’s right to keep our residents safe, secure, healthy and prosperous as we accelerate our clean energy economy and put the interest of our people before those of big polluters. We will continue to invest in clean energy that creates local jobs and keeps utility bills low, and we will electrify transportation to provide convenient, safe, and affordable ways to get around our cities, and make our neighborhoods healthy and vibrant.”

For the full statement jointly signed by West Coast Governors and Mayors, please visit the Pacific Coast Collaborative website.
