Portland is a Sanctuary City

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Services, Guides, and Information

17 services and resources found
The Water Bureau works with community partners and local plumbers to offer free water leak repair services for income-qualified homeowners in Portland. Through this program, we can arrange to repair leaking toilets, faucets, or underground water pipes. Sewer repairs are not eligible.
The Portland Water Bureau offers a rebate for commercial ice machine upgrades. When you replace a water-cooled ice machine with an eligible air-cooled model, you can qualify for a rebate worth 50 percent of the cost of the new eligible ice machine up to a maximum of $3,000.
Looking for ways to save water and money at your commercial facility, business, restaurant, or multi-family property? The Portland Water Bureau's custom water efficiency rebate program will pay for half of your approved water efficiency project costs up to a maximum of $5,000.
Portland Water Bureau customers can order a FREE water efficiency kit. Choose from a variety of simple-to-install water-saving devices for the fixtures in your home.
Suspect you might have a leak? Did you know you can use your water meter to investigate? Here are some tips to help you figure out if there is a leak in your home.
Toilets are one of the likeliest places in the home to find leaks. These leaks can waste thousands of gallons per month! Save money and water by fixing simple toilet leaks yourself. Follow these easy steps.
Leaks not only put stress on the drinking water system, but also send clean water to the wastewater treatment plant. Reduce your impact on the environment and save money and water by repairing some leaks yourself! Follow these easy steps to fix a leaky faucet.
Rebates are available for WaterSense-labeled irrigation controllers and multistream rotator sprinkler nozzles. Anyone with an active Portland Water Bureau sewer/stormwater/water account can apply for rebates. Annual backflow testing must be up to date.
Do you want to know how your business could use less water? Request a FREE water efficiency consultation!
Are you looking for ways to use less water at your business? The Water Bureau may be able to help! From water use consultations, to rebates, to water conservation devices, our efficiency services are free.
Homes are where we cook, clean, shower and generally use water! While Portlanders are some of the most efficiency water-users in the country (we use about 46 gallons per person per day), there are ways to save even more.
Whether you water your outdoor plants manually or have a irrigation system, there's always room for water conservation. Here are some tips to save water in your yard.
Replacing an older toilet is a great way to save water and money! That's why the Portland Water Bureau offers $50 toilet rebates to any eligible customer for replacing an older toilet or urinal with a WaterSense-labeled model.
Learn what a water curtailment event is, what it would mean for you, and how we plan for these events.
To fulfill requirements from the State of Oregon and to adhere to the value of careful stewardship of natural resources, the bureau follows its Water Management and Conservation Plan to use water as efficiently and sustainably as possible.
From a toilet leak to visiting house guests to watering the garden, there are many reasons why your home water use might be higher than normal. Here are some questions that can help you locate the cause.
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