Welcome our two new directors Kimberly Gupta and Sarah Santner

News Article
The Portland Water Bureau is pleased to announce Kimberly Gupta as the Operations Group Director and Sarah Santner as the Resource Protection and Planning Group Director.

Serving excellent water every minute of every day requires excellent leadership and dedication, and Kimberly and Sarah bring both to the field. 

Headshot of Kimberley Gupta, Operations Director

Kimberly has more than 20 years of experience in the drinking water industry, beginning her career as an engineer at the East Bay Municipal Utility District. As a volunteer for Engineers Without Borders, she led a team that designed and built safe and reliable drinking water systems for villages in Fiji. She is also a Commissioner on the National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Non-Potable Water Systems. 

Kimberly started at the bureau’s Water Quality Group in 2010, where she was responsible for projects related to nitrification, corrosion control, and regulatory compliance. She then moved on to manage the Bull Run Supply and Treatment Group, overseeing supply, conduit, and treatment operations. 

Kimberly has a Master of Science degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno.  

Sarah joined the bureau in 2004, and before that she worked for the US Army Corps of Engineers, where she led community engagement efforts for environmental restoration and compliance projects. She also served in multiple roles at the Columbia Slough Watershed Council, overseeing the board, developing community environmental education programs, and facilitating partnerships.  

Headshot of Sarah Santner, Resource Protection and Planning Group Director

Sarah’s work at the Portland Water Bureau started with her oversight of the community engagement for the bureau’s Habitat Conservation Plan. She then moved into management of water conservation, curtailment, water loss, and the bureau’s affordability efforts.  

Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and International Development from Cornell University.  

We're excited for what these two will bring to the bureau as we continue to serve our Portland communities with excellent water.