Willamette River Crossing Project
Public WorksThis project is on pause until 2027. Find more information below.
The Willamette River Crossing Project will build an earthquake-resilient water line deep under the Willamette River. The project will enhance our water system's resilience, ensuring safe and abundant water for generations to come.
The Willamette River Crossing Project will build an earthquake-resilient water line deep under the Willamette River. The project will enhance our water system's resilience, ensuring safe and abundant water for generations to come.
WRX Project Team
503-823-7499Project Voicemail/Hotline - Press zero at any time to skip the message and leave a voicemail. Please leave your name and phone number twice. A staff person will call you within one to three business days. To report a water service emergency, call 503-823-4874.
711Oregon Relay Service