The purpose of the list is to disclose to the public City-sponsored activities occurring within the Closure Area per the Bull Run Watershed Protection requirements outlined in Portland City Code 21.36.050. On a quarterly basis, the Water Bureau provides updates on all bureau-sponsored projects and activities both active and in the planning stage within the Closure Area.
The Water Bureau adopted administrative rules in December 2021 to implement City Code 21.36.050 Sections G.1 and G.2. These rules apply only to City-owned land in the Bull Run Closure Area and, in part, define which projects are required to prepare project impact assessment and mitigation summary documents, and which projects are exempt from that requirement. Implementing these rules is a new process for the bureau and for the public. The January 2022 project list was the first to indicate if the listed project was subject to the new rules. It is not unexpected that the projects on the current list are excluded from the requirement of the new administrative rules as the rules are mostly intended to address out-of-the-ordinary work in locations that have not been previously developed or disturbed. All work on City-owned land in the Bull Run Closure Area is still subject to applicable federal, state and county requirements and permits as well as implementation of other aspects of City Code 21.36.050, Water Bureau best management practices, standard operating protocols, and regulatory compliance plans. The City Charter and City code require the Bureau to avoid, minimize and mitigate environmental impacts when working on City-owned land in the Bull Run Closure Area.
Contact for more information: Anna Buckley, Bull Run Watershed Protection Manager,
The following list was last updated in July 2024.
1. Bull Run Bridges Seismic Assessment
A seismic assessment will be conducted on the two bridges, Larson’s and Bowman’s, that carry water supply conduits as well as pass vehicle traffic across the lower Bull Run River.
- Purpose: To understand the bridges vulnerabilities to seismic activity and identify any necessary improvements for water supply reliability.
- Location: lower Bull Run River below Headworks
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule/status: A City-hired contractor has started the assessment in July 2023 and the project is expected to be completed in Summer 2024.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: The project is an assessment of existing infrastructure and will involve geotechnical borings within the existing road prism and will not result in any new ground disturbance or vegetation removal. Therefore, would not meet the definition of Significant impacts on the watershed Section III(I) and would not trigger the administrative rule requirements.
2. Bull Run Treatment Pilot Plant
A pilot treatment plant has been installed at Headworks to inform development of the Bull Run filtration facility. The pilot plant consists of multiple trailers that house small-scale water treatment equipment, including flocculation, sedimentation, ozonation, and filtration. The pilot uses raw water from the diversion pool and passes it through conventional surface water treatment processes. Treated water passes through a solids handling tank, activated carbon, and dechlorination (while being monitored daily to mitigate any risk of environmental impact) before being returned to the Bull Run River. Equipment runs continuously and will be staffed during normal work hours.
- Purpose: The objective of the pilot is to demonstrate improved water quality, inform process selection and detailed design for the full-scale Bull Run filtration facility, optimize treatment processes, and train treatment operator staff.
- Location: Headworks, immediately downstream of intake
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule and status: Pilot equipment was installed and began operations in 2019. Operations are ongoing and planned to continue until the Bull Run filtration facility goes online in 2027.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: The project has been constructed. Planning, design and construction were completed prior to the City code updates in 2020 and adoption of the administrative rules in 2021.
3. Conduit 3 Ovality Replacement
The City will replace approximately 200 feet of Conduit 3 that was identified in a 2018 field inspection to be significantly out-of-round. The project will include open trench excavation and abandonment of the existing 58-inch lock bar pipe and installation of a new 74-inch diameter welded steel pipe. All construction activities are expected to be confined to areas that were previously disturbed from the original road and pipe work.
- Purpose: The out-of-round pipe section has been identified as one risk to be mitigated along the route that is prioritized for resiliency repairs because it has the least geologic hazards for conveying water from Bull Run to the city for distribution.
- Location: along the north shoulder ofRoad 14, downstream of intake
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule and status:The plans have been finalized and the project will go out to bid in Fall 2024. The construction is planned to start in 2025 and will occur over a 2-year period. Some of the ground disturbing work associated with the project will happen during the low water demand period, which overlaps with the wet season (October 15 – June 15). An exception request for wet season work per PCC 21.36.050(K)3a and the Water Bureau’s Standard Operation Protocol for Ground-disturbing Activity during Wet Weather has been granted.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: Project will occur within the existing alignment of the conduit and is excluded from the administrative rules’ requirements under section IV.C (1) Repair or reconstruction of buildings and facilities located wholly within previously developed, paved or otherwise non-forested areas.
4. Conduit Seismic Hazard Analysis
This project will create a report that provides an in-depth analysis of seismic risk for conduits between Headworks and Hudson Road intertie, assess alternatives for mitigating seismic risk, and develop detailed recommendations for mitigation.
- Purpose: To understand the conduits vulnerabilities to seismic activity and identify any necessary improvements for water supply reliability.
- Location: adjacent to lower Bull Run River below Headworks and extend out of the Closure Area to Hudson Road intertie
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule/status: The City has hired a contractor in early 2023 to complete the assessment. The Project is expected to be complete by the end of2024.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: The project is an assessment of existing infrastructure and will involve some geotechnical borings. Project will occur within the existing alignment of the conduit wholly within a previously developed area and therefore would not meet the definition of Significant impacts on the watershed Section III and would not trigger the administrative rule requirements.
5. Headworks Loop Road Improvement
Repairs and improvements will be made to the 1.6-mile Headworks Loop Road that provides access from two directions into water treatment and hydropower facilities. The road consists of primary access into the facilities from the east off of Road 10 and a secondary access from the west. Work will include repaving, guard rail improvements, minimal widening to improve safety where possible, replacing culverts, improving ditch lines, and increasing signage to address limited visibility.
- Purpose: To ensure continuous, reliable, and safe access to Dam 2, Powerhouse 2 and Headworks Treatment facilities.
- Location: Headworks Loop Road is a side road off of Road 10 in the Bull Run Watershed.
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule/status: The Project is in the intermediate design phase. Project construction is currently expected to be split into two phases and take two construction seasons to complete starting in summer 2025.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: The project will be excluded from the administrative rule requirements under section IV.C (2) Repair or reconstruction of road segments within existing road corridors if the total area of new ground disturbance or vegetation removal is less than 0.5 acres, and section IV.C (3) Repair or replacement of road culverts consistent with PCC 21.36.050 Section J requirements for aquatic organism passage.
6. Headworks Venturi Meter Removal
The City will remove Venturi flow meters that have been abandoned for use but still remain in each of the three water supply conduits just below Headworks. Based on a hydraulic analysis, the no longer used meters restrict flow in the conduits reducing the capacity of raw water that could be delivered to the new filtration facility, which is currently in design. The project will include excavation, removal, and replacement of segments of pipe where the meters are located. All construction activities are expected to be confined to areas that were previously disturbed from the original pipe work.
- Purpose: The Venturi meter removals will allow the City to meet its design flow rate to the new filtration facility.
- Location: near the bottom of the Dam 2 spillway, below the intake
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule and status: The plans have been finalized and will go out to bid in Fall 2024. Project construction will be over a two-year period estimated to start in 2025 in coordination with the Conduit 3 Ovality project. Completion of the project is required before the new filtration facility can be operational, planned for 2027. Some of the ground disturbing work associated with the project needs to happen during the low water demand period, which overlaps with the wet season (October 15 – June 15). An exception request was issued for the wet season work per PCC 21.36.050(K)3a and the Water Bureau’s Standard Operation Protocol for Ground-disturbing Activity during Wet Weather.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: Project will occur within the existing alignment of the conduits and is excluded from the administrative rules’ requirements under section IV.C (1)
7. Road 10 Improvement (“10I/J”)
A 1.9-mile section of Road 10 will be reconstructed and repaved to improve pavement condition, widen where needed to improve safety, replace aging ditch and stream culverts, create better ditch lines to improve drainage, and address slumping and slides.
- Purpose: To ensure continuous, reliable, and safe access to all facilities. Also provides reliable access for monitoring and fire protection in the watershed.
- Location: Road 10 in the Bull Run Watershed, from approximately MP 12.6 to 14.4 to the intersection with Road 20
- Land Ownership: City & USFS
- Schedule/status: Project planning and design began in 2020 and was finished in early 2023. The project went out to bid in early 2023 and received bids are being reviewed. Project construction started in mid-June 2023 and will be completed during the 2024 construction season.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: Project is excluded from the administrative rule requirements under section IV.C (2) Repair or reconstruction of road segments within existing road corridors if the total area of new ground disturbance or vegetation removal is less than 0.5 acres, and section IV.C (3) Repair or replacement of road culverts consistent with PCC 21.36.050 Section J requirements for aquatic organism passage.
8. Spillway Gate and Hoist Equipment Replacement Project
The spillway on Dam 1 has three vertical slide gates each with a cable-hoist system used individually to raise and lower the gate. All three gates and cable and hoist systems will be replaced.
- Purpose: To address the results of a 2017 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Dam Safety Inspection
- Location: Dam 1 Spillway
- Land Ownership: City
- Schedule and status: The project is in the intermediate design phase. Construction is planned to commence in the summer of 2025. The City plans to address the 2017 FERC inspection comment by March 1, 2026.
- Project impact assessment and mitigation summary requirements: Project is excluded from the administrative rule requirements under section IV.C (7) Safety-related repairs of dams and hydropower facilities resulting from orders from the FERC Regional Engineer pursuant to CFR Title 18 Section 12.4. Repair or reconstruction of buildings and facilities located wholly within previously developed, paved or otherwise non-forested areas.
On-going activities
The on-going activities listed below are excluded from requirements of the administrative rule under section IV.C (4) Routine projects listed on the quarterly Bull Run Project List prepared to comply with PCC 21.36.050 Section E, including road and powerline maintenance and hazard tree removal.
1. Annual Maintenance of the two PHP Powerhouses
Energy Northwest schedules annual individual two-week long power generation outages at each of the Portland Hydroelectric Project’s (PHP) powerhouses, during which time they have a variety of its maintenance and repair crews visit and do work at both of the powerhouses.
- Purpose: To accomplish a range of testing, measuring, repair and maintenance work that cannot be accomplished while the units are in operation.
- Location: Dam 1 and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Annually – for usually two weeks at each powerhouse - in the summer / fall period
2. Bilateral Compliance Agreement Interim Measures: Monitoring and Inspections
The Water Bureau staff conduct routine Cryptosporidium monitoring at the intake as well as watershed inspections and environmental sampling as required by the December 2017 Bilateral Compliance Agreement with Oregon Health Authority (OHA).
Environmental samples include tributary water and wildlife scat. Inspection categories include security, diversion pool, soil erosion areas, and sanitary facilities.
Supplementary wildlife monitoring activities may include (1) using live traps for collecting small mammal scat near the diversion pool and reservoirs and (2) deer surveys around Headworks.
- Purpose: The Water Bureau is currently operating under the interim measures of the Bilateral Compliance Agreement until Cryptosporidium treatment facilities are operational, no later than September 30, 2027. Additional information on Cryptosporidium and the Bilateral Compliance Agreement can be found on Portland’s Cryptosporidium website.
- Location: Water sampling at Headworks and Key Stations. Inspections and scat collection throughout the watershed.
- Schedule/status: The Water Bureau samples at the intake two days per week. If Cryptosporidium is detected, sampling increases to four days per week for at least three weeks. Portland posts intake Cryptosporidium results online.
3. Bull Run Lake Special Use Authorization
The Water Bureau has a special use authorization from the Forest Service for summer-use of Bull Run Lake for supplemental water supply. To maintain the special use authorization, the Water Bureau is required to conduct regular various wildlife and fish monitoring activities, periodic dam safety inspections, and annual outlet gate testing. Releases from the lake for supplemental water supply use are uncommon, except during long, hot, and dry summers. In the recent past, releases from Bull Run Lake have occurred in 1999, 2000, 2016, 2018 and 2022, lasted from one to four weeks, and contributed 90 million to 950 million gallons of supplemental water supply. Activities planned for 2024 include: avian surveys, spawning surveys, fish population estimates, limnological monitoring, amphibian surveys, and outlet gate testing.
- Purpose: For water supply reliability and compliance with mitigation and monitoring requirements of the Bull Run Lake Special Use Authorization.
- Location: Bull Run Lake
- Schedule/status: Ongoing during field season (late spring through late fall).
4. Conduit Maintenance
Brushing, mowing, and tree-fall removal on conduit rights-of-way; leak repair; blow-off and air valve maintenance; bridge inspection; and intertie operations
- Purpose: To provide access along right-of-way as required to maintain operation of conduits.
- Location: Conduit rights-of-way between Headworks and main gate
- Schedule/status: Year-round, as required
5. Dam Maintenance
Perform various tasks associated with routine and ongoing dam maintenance, including weekly piezometer readings in Dams 1 and 2; operation and maintenance of gates; replacement of aging or failed instrumentation and equipment; and brushing on dam abutments.
- Purpose: To maintain operational and structural integrity of dams and satisfy FERC requirements.
- Location: Dam 1 and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Year-round, as required
6. Dam Safety Inspections
Bureau of Hydropower staff periodically visit and inspect the two Bull Run dams and powerhouses as required by state and federal regulation, and the Portland Hydroelectric Project (PHP) license.
- Purpose: To ensure the stability and safety of the hydroelectric facilities and to ensure any changing conditions at the dams and powerhouses can be monitored and addressed.
- Location: Dam 1 and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Monthly
7. Danger/Hazard Tree Removal
Removal of danger and hazard trees that pose a risk to life, property, and infrastructure, as required by federal and state laws. Identification of danger and hazard trees is performed by a certified danger tree specialist.
- Purpose: To keep workers and visitors safe while traveling and working in the watershed; to protect water system property and infrastructure.
- Location: Locations vary throughout the watershed; need assessed periodically
- Schedule/status: Year-round, as required
8. Deliveries to and Removals from Headworks and PHP Powerhouses
On a regular and “as-needed” basis, supplies such as chlorine and diesel fuel, are delivered to Headworks and both of the Portland Hydroelectric Project’s (PHP) powerhouses.
- Purpose: Chlorine is used at Headworks for use in water treatment operations. Fuel is for emergency backup generators. Headworks and both PHP powerhouses have diesel generators that provide emergency power during electricity outages.
- Location: Headworks,Dam 1, and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Weekly for chlorine and infrequently for other supplies.
9. EWEB and ENW Normal Ongoing PHP Operations
As contract operators for the City, Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) routinely starts and stops the two Portland Hydroelectric Project’s (PHP) powerhouses remotely from their control room in Eugene. A second contractor, Energy Northwest (ENW), has personnel operating from the City’s Headworks facility. ENW personnel work in both PHP powerhouses conducting the daily preventive checks and maintenance procedures to maintain both power plants at a fully operational capability.
- Purpose: To verify the proper functioning of powerhouse equipment; and perform regular operation and maintenance functions.
- Location: Dam 1 and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Daily
10. Facilities Maintenance
Mowing, painting, and general maintenance activities at Headworks, Bear Creek house, key stations, and boat houses; storm damage monitoring, clean-up, and repair.
- Purpose: To maintain structural integrity, upkeep, and access to facilities.
- Location: Facilities located throughout the watershed
- Schedule/status: Year-round, as required
11. Fish Surveys - Bull Run Reservoirs
Estimate of fish populations in reservoirs using hydroacoustic surveys
- Purpose: To estimate the size of each reservoir’s fish population and maintain a record of changes through time.
- Location: Reservoirs 1 and 2
- Schedule/status: Surveys began in 2008 and occur annually, alternating each year between reservoirs.
12. FERC Annual Operations Inspections
Hydropower staff accompanies representatives from FERC and the Oregon Water Resources Department on periodic inspections of Bull Run Dams 1 and 2.
- Purpose: To inspect and assess the physical condition of the two Bull Run dams and comply with FERC regulations.
- Location: Dam 1 and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Annually
13. FERC Part 12 Inspection and Report
Inspection of the Portland Hydroelectric Project (PHP).
- Purpose: Required reoccurring five-year extensive review of the PHP Dam Safety program and facility infrastructure. Inspection is conducted by an outside independent consultant to report back to FERC on the status of the project and associated programs to protect the Bull Run River and safety of downstream human population.
- Location: Dam 1 and Dam 2
- Schedule/status: Completed in 2022; reoccurring every five years; next review scheduled for 2027
14. Fish Distribution Surveys - Various small streams
The Water Bureau occasionally surveys small streams throughout the watershed above and below potential fish barriers such as road crossings or waterfalls to determine the presence or absence of fish.
- Purpose: To determine the presence or absence of fish in streams potentially affected by Water Bureau activities such as road maintenance.
- Location: Various streams tributary to the Bull Run River or its tributaries
- Schedule/status: None to several locations per year, as required
15. Fish Habitat Surveys - ODFW
The City provides access to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) personnel to conduct fish habitat surveys on select short stream segments to support the agency’s ongoing monitoring and research for salmon and steelhead recovery and conservation.
- Purpose: To provide reference data for salmon and steelhead recovery and conservation monitoring and research efforts. Data on stream habitat in the Bull Run is provided to the City upon request.
- Location: Randomly selected stream segments throughout the watershed. Segments are typically 500 meters in length.
- Schedule/status: Sampling in the Bull Run began in 2015. Usually, two to three segments are surveyed per year.
16. Inclinometer Monitoring
Measure angles of slope, elevation, or inclination. Inclinometer locations are all in close proximity to the conduits.
- Purpose: To determine presence of ground movements that could affect conduits. The locations are either in areas of historic slides or in areas that were determined to have a potential to slide.
- Location: Road 10 between main gate and Headworks
- Schedule/status: Readings are made twice a year (spring and fall)
17. PHP Power Line Repairs
Power line repair crews from Portland General Distribution Service (PGDS is a branch of Portland General Electric) periodically visit the Portland Hydroelectric Project’s (PHP) transmission line corridor to repair any storm caused damage that may have occurred.
- Purpose: To ensure continued operation of powerhouses and minimize the duration of power outages.
- Location: Power line right of way between Dam 1 and main gate
- Schedule/status: As needed, following events causing damage to the PHP transmission lines.
18. PHP Power Transmission Line Assessment and Maintenance
PGDS-designated forester annually conducts site visits to assess the condition of the Portland Hydroelectric Project’s (PHP) power transmission line corridor. In consultation with the City, decisions are made about brushing and hazard tree removal or trimming.
- Purpose: To protect the safety and integrity of the transmission line.
- Location: Power line right of way between Dam 1 and main gate
- Schedule/status: Annually
19. Piezometer Monitoring
Use piezometer to measure water levels in porous surfaces and near potential slide areas.
- Purpose: To assess potential for slope failure to protect critical water system infrastructure.
- Location: Road 10 between main gate and Headworks
- Schedule/status: Readings are made twice a year (spring and fall)
20. Reed Canary Grass Removal/ Toad Monitoring
Based on monitoring conducted since 2010, the City has discontinued the practice of cutting and removing invasive reed canary grass along the north bank of the upper Reservoir 1. This activity is included as Measure R-3 of the City’s Bull Run Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The practice was intended to benefit reproduction of western toads. Monitoring data, however, did not support the assumption that better habitat would be created by cutting the grass. The City will continue annual toad monitoring to gain additional information relevant to the conservation goal of Measure R-3. Cutting of reed canary grass may be resumed in the future as additional information is gathered.
- Purpose: To meet the conservation intent of HCP Measure R-3 by monitoring toads in order to: (1) determine that toad breeding at the site is self-sustaining, or (2) find a way to improve productivity.
- Location: Reservoir 1
- Schedule/status: HCP Years 1–50 (2010-2059). Toad monitoring is performed annually, typically weekly from May to June. Reed canary grass removal, when conducted, is performed annually.
21. Reservoir Monitoring
Collect water quality data and temperature profiles from the reservoirs.
- Purpose: To monitor conditions, physical processes, and water quality in source water reservoirs.
- Location: Reservoirs 1 and 2
- Schedule/status: Bi-weekly
22. Road Maintenance
Brushing, mowing, tree-fall removal, slide removal, ditch maintenance, culvert cleaning and repair, sub-grade repair, snow plowing, chip-seal, and bridge inspections. Summer 2024 work will focus on completing the repair of road impacts from the 2023 Camp Creek fire suppression activities including re-closure of a decommissioned road opened for a containment line.
- Purpose: To ensure continuous, reliable, and safe access to all facilities, as well as enable maintenance of other City-owned infrastructure within the watershed.
- Location: Entire Watershed
- Schedule/status: Year-round
23. Salmon Monitoring - Little Sandy River and lower Bull Run River
The Water Bureau continues to do two activities in the Little Sandy River: 1) maintenance of a smolt trap; and 2) fish habitat surveys and snorkel surveys. Snorkel surveys are also conducted in the lower Bull Run River.
- Purpose: The purpose of the smolt trap is to monitor juvenile salmon and steelhead production. Habitat surveys monitor the effectiveness of fish habitat restoration measures. Habitat and smolt surveys comply with terms of the Bull Run HCP. Snorkel surveys monitor juvenile salmon and steelhead populations, these surveys support HCP fish management activities.
- Location:
Smolt trap: just upstream of the former Little Sandy Dam site
Little Sandy fish habitat and snorkel surveys: from the mouth of the Little Sandy River to RM 2.7, and from the mouth to the former dam site, respectively
Lower Bull Run River snorkel surveys: from the mouth of the Bull Run River to the lamprey weir (just below the diversion dam)
- Schedule/status: The smolt trap is operated from roughly early-March through early-June annually (2009 – 2059). Habitat surveys are conducted seven times over a 20-year period (2007-2027). Snorkel surveys have been performed annually since 2009 and are expected to continue indefinitely.
24. Security
Watershed Security Rangers conduct vehicle and foot patrols for trespass; monitor a private-vehicle identification system; deploy and maintain a camera system for remote area monitoring; and coordinate emergency access in an emergency event. Security staff conduct fire patrols during the summer months and conduct security site surveys of all water system facilities and infrastructure sites throughout the year.
- Purpose: To enforce the public closure of, and maintain an effective security program for, the Closure Area.
- Location: Entire Watershed
- Schedule/status: Year-round
25. Snow Gauging
Cooperative program with the federal Natural Resource Conservation Service to monitor snow depth, snow water equivalent, precipitation, and temperature at three monitoring stations.
- Purpose: To monitor snow levels and hydrologic conditions
- Location: Selected locations throughout watershed
- Schedule/status: Continuous automated monitoring. Validation by on-site inspection performed annually or as needed.
26. Spawning Gravel Placement and Monitoring
The City augments spawning gravel in the lower Bull Run River and monitors the effects of the gravel placements. Project constitutes Measure H-1 of the Bull Run HCP.
- Purpose: To mitigate the effects of Dam 1 and Dam 2 on transport of natural spawning gravel to the lower Bull Run River and comply with the terms of the City’s Incidental Take Permit.
- Location: Lower Bull Run River
- Schedule/status: HCP Years 1–50 (2010-2059)
Gravel is placed at three locations in the river each year.
Surface area of spawning gravel patches in the lower Bull Run River is estimated every five years. The next survey is scheduled for 2024.
Depth of the spawning gravel scour by high flows is monitored periodically.
27. Spawning Surveys
Collect information about adult Chinook salmon for the lower Bull Run River.
- Purpose: To monitor adult salmon numbers and comply with terms of the City’s Incidental Take Permit
- Location: Lower Bull Run River
- Schedule/status: HCP Years 1–20 (2010-2029). Takes place annually from late-August through mid-December.
28. Stream Flow and Temperature Gauging and Reservoir Level Monitoring
Cooperative program with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to monitor flow and water quality measurements at selected stream stations. Measure water levels at Bull Run Lake and Bull Run reservoirs.
- Purpose: To monitor volume of water entering the reservoirs for summer supply planning and flow and temperature management in lower Bull Run River.
- Location: Selected locations throughout watershed
- Schedule/status: Continuous automated monitoring. Validation by on-site inspection performed at regularly scheduled intervals or as needed.
29. Stream Key-Station Monitoring
Collect water quality data at the mouths of the four main tributaries that flow into the reservoirs.
- Purpose: To monitor water quality at the four main tributaries.
- Location: North Fork, South Fork, Main Stem, and Fir Creek key stations
- Schedule/status: Scheduled: monthly: Storm events: 6-8 times per year
30. Trail Maintenance
Brushing, debris removal, and safety-related maintenance on trails that provide access to water monitoring stations.
- Purpose: To provide access to facilities.
- Location: Trails associated with USGS gauging stations located throughout watershed
- Schedule/status: Year-round, as required
31. Vegetation Stewardship
Ongoing monitoring, removal, and control of invasive species occurs regularly. Surveys for invasive plant species occur along active and decommissioned roads, trails, reservoirs, and near infrastructure, as well as sites of recent road and other construction projects. Additional monitoring for invasives and regrowth of native vegetation will occur within the burn and suppression areas of the 2023 Camp Creek fire. Aquatic surveys of the Bull Run reservoirs and rare plant surveys of prairies adjacent to the road network are also conducted to monitor potential impacts of invasive plant species on these habitats and populations. Occasionally, trees are planted to mitigate tree removal per the Bull Run Tree Protection and Revegetation Standard Operation Protocol (SOP) and to support healthy forest conditions.
- Purpose: To comply with the Bull Run Tree Protection SOP and to protect native vegetation and retain ecological function that helps to protect water quality.
- Location: Selected locations throughout watershed
- Schedule/status: Annually or as needed
32. Waterway Debris Removal and Disposal
Removal of logs and debris captured by upper log boom in Reservoir 1. Inspection and repair of log booms in Reservoirs 1 and 2 and in Bull Run Lake.
- Purpose: To protect dams and dikes, and other water system infrastructure.
- Location: Reservoir 1, Reservoir 2, and Bull Run Lake
- Schedule/status: Late spring and summer, and as required
33. Water Education Program
Supervised Bull Run tours are administered by the Water Bureau’s education staff.
- Purpose: To educate participants about the Bull Run watershed and Portland’s water system. Topics include history, ecology, source water protection, water quality, system operations, and stewardship.
- Location: Selected locations throughout watershed
- Schedule/status: A regular tour program is scheduled for 2024. School field trips will be offered in spring and fall and general public tours will be offered during the summer/early fall.
34. Water Supply Operations
Disinfect drinking water with chlorine and monitor for chlorine residuals in finished water quality as required by regulation. Monitor and control river flow below Dam 2 to meet Habitat Conservation Plan fish flow requirements. Control conduit flows to meet customer demand.
- Purpose: To disinfect water to protect public health and meet all state and federal water quality standards for unfiltered water system; create beneficial fish habitat conditions in lower Bull Run River; supply potable water to Portland metro area.
- Location: Headworks
- Schedule/status: Year-round
35. Winter-Season Facility Maintenance Surveys
Use of snow cat to conduct snow survey measurements at Bull Run Lake; assess condition of outlet structures at Bull Run and Boody lakes; assess condition of gauging flumes at Upper and Lower Springs; and provide access to Hiyu Mountain telecommunications tower for ComNet staff. ComNet provides microwave communication service to the city.
- Purpose: To maintain seasonal access to facilities; monitor condition of resources; enable repair of failed infrastructure.
- Location: Selected locations throughout watershed
- Schedule/status: Winter months (generally November – May)