Mount Tabor Reservoirs Historic Fencing Repair

The Water Bureau hired a skilled blacksmith to repair the historic ironwork fencing around Reservoirs 5 and 6. The blacksmith restored wrought iron fence, tapered tower light posts, and decorative scroll work.
This photograph shows the wrought iron fencing and decorative lampposts at Mt. Tabor that were repaired as part of this project.
Late Summer and Fall 2020
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Project overview

Map showing the locations of Reservoirs 5 and 6 where fencing will be repaired.

In the summer of 2020, the Water Bureau hired a skilled blacksmith to repair the historic ironwork fencing around Reservoirs 5 and 6. The blacksmith restored wrought iron fence, tapered tower light posts, and decorative scroll work.  


These historic reservoirs used to be part of Portland's water system. We continue to take care of them to keep Mount Tabor Park welcoming to visitors. 

Under the guidance of a City Council resolution, the Water Bureau has convened a team of representatives from the Mount Tabor Neighborhood Association and Friends of Mount Tabor Park to manage maintenance, repairs, and preservation work at the Tabor reservoirs. Using the 2016 update to the 2009 Mount Tabor Historic Structures Report as our guide, the team identified these repairs as top priorities. 

Cost: $40,000. This does not come from water bills, but from money City Council previously set aside for Mount Tabor preservation work. The money comes from the City's General Fund.


This project is complete.


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