Project background
The Quail Park subdivision is in Southwest Portland, north of Huber Street between Ridge Drive and Lancaster Road. The subdivision was originally built in the 1970s and expanded over time. Southwest Quail Post Road has over 4,000 feet of water mains (pipes), several fire hydrants, and 96 water services (pipes that go from the water main to the water meter). The water distribution system at Southwest Quail Post Road was owned and maintained by the subdivision until Portland City Council voted to approve formation of a local improvement district (LID) on November 12, 2020.
Recently completed: Southwest Huber Street connection
As part of our ongoing investment in the water system, the Water Bureau built a new connection between the water pipes located near Southwest Quail Post Road and Southwest Huber Street. We installed 125 feet of new water main and installed a vault for a device that regulates water pressure. This work makes the water system easier for our crews to access and maintain, improving the reliability of your water supply.
Project sequence
City Council approved the LID in December 2020. Between 2021 and 2034 the Water Bureau will do the following:
- Complete a property access agreement: The existing water system is in the private streets that branch off Southwest Quail Post Road belonging to the Quail Park Homeowner's Association (HOA). The streets in the subdivision will remain private. We have arranged 24-hour staff access to the Quail Park subdivision with the HOA so that we can read water meters and maintain the water system. (We will only use the after-hours access if we need to do urgent work.)
- Inventory and map the new water system assets: We have begun the process of surveying and making an inventory of the system. We are creating GIS maps and other materials to help develop short- and long-term plans for maintaining parts of the water system. These parts include pipes, meters, service connections (pipes that extend from the main to the water meter), and fire hydrants. Crews will continue to survey the neighborhood to develop better maps of Quail Park's existing water system and to plan for future maintenance and construction needs.
- Establish individual customer accounts: The Quail Park subdivision formerly had one account with the Water Bureau. Our Customer Service team has set up individual accounts for each property at Quail Park. Find additional information about how to pay your bills, including how to sign up for monthly billing.
- Replace existing water meters with new billing meters: We bill customers based in part on how much water passes through their water meter. Going forward, you can expect to see staff reading meters about every three months. They measure the amount of water used during that three-month period as part of the equation for how much to bill each residence.
- Construct two new connections between Southwest Quail Post Road and the City's water system: The Quail Park water system will connect to the City's water system in two places: Southwest Huber Street and Southwest Lancaster Road. Water Bureau crews made the connection at Huber Street in 2021. Later, the Water Bureau will hire a contractor to make the connection at Lancaster Road.
- Discontinue service from the water main (pipe) on Southwest Ridge Drive: Quail Park's water used to come from an aging pipe on Southwest Ridge Drive. Now the water comes from a connection we built at Southwest Huber Street.
- Replace the remaining water system: We will replace the existing Quail Park water system when it reaches the end of its useful life, or by 2039, whichever comes first. We expect to start planning for this replacement no later than 2034. The reason for waiting so long for replacement is that we estimate that the existing system still has 20 years left in it. There is no need to spend money now to replace assets that are still working. If portions of the system begin to fail, they can be repaired and replaced.
- Track LID costs: In 2039, the final LID assessment will take place, and the Water Bureau will be reimbursed via the City's LID program for a portion of the expenses for connecting and replacing the Quail Park water system. In the meantime, the Water Bureau will set up a system to track projects associated with the LID.
Project funding
Property owners are providing 70 percent of the project funding over time, with the Water Bureau funding the remaining 30 percent.