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Project overview
The Water Bureau will install 3,350 feet of water main (pipe) in southwest Portland.
- Between the intersection of Southwest Nevada and Southwest 2nd Avenue west to Southwest Burlingame Avenue: We'll install the water main by cutting the road surface, digging a trench, replacing the old pipe, filling the trench, and restoring the road surface.
- East of I-5 near South Laview Drive; between I-5 and Southwest Brier Place; and near the intersection of Southwest Nevada Street and Southwest 2nd Avenue: We'll use a jack and bore method to drill holes for the sections of pipe that go underneath the I-5 freeway, Southwest Barbur Boulevard, and Southwest Brier Place. This means we won't have to disrupt traffic by digging trenches across the two state highways.
The pipe sections we're replacing range from 60 to 109 years old. Inspections show that these pipes have reached the end of their useful life. Some of these pipes cross under busy roads like Southwest Barbur Boulevard and the I-5 freeway. Replacing the pipes will reduce the risk of damage to these roads and will improve the reliability of water flow to the surrounding neighborhoods.
Work hours are usually Monday to Saturday, 7 am to 4 pm. Work may be postponed if staffing or resource availability change due to current events. Employees and contractors will continue to follow all safe work zone and social distancing measures.
- The project will begin at the intersection of South Laview Drive and South Corbett Avenue and proceed west under I-5 and under Southwest Barbur Boulevard. The jack and bore section of the project will emerge in grassy areas between I-5 and Southwest Brier Place, and near the intersection of Southwest Nevada Street and Southwest 2nd Avenue.
- Nevada Street between 3rd Avenue and Barbur Boulevard
What to expect
- Street parking may be limited. We may set up "No parking" signs.
- Your street may be closed to all but local traffic during construction hours. Crews will try to keep driveways accessible, but you may have to park on a side street sometimes during construction hours.
- We may need to leave some equipment overnight.
- Mail, garbage, and delivery services will have access.
- Work may cause noise, dust, and traffic delays.
- This project will not disrupt your water service.
What's happening now
Check back soon for timeline updates. Last updated April 22, 2024.
Upcoming Project Information Activities
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Completed Project Activities
Jan. 30, 2023 Fulton Pump Mains Project Update- January 2023 (e-news)
Jan. 4, 2023 Hillsdale Neighborhood Association (HNA) meeting presentation
Nov. 30, 2022 Portland City Council second reading to authorize bid for construction contract
Nov. 16, 2022 Portland City Council presentation toauthorize bid for construction contract
Oct. 19, 2022 Hillsdale Business Association meeting presentation
Nearby Construction Work
Hillsdale Middle Sewer Project
The Bureau of Environmental Services will be repairing and replacing approximately 11,897 feet of aging public sewer pipes throughout the Hillsdale neighborhood. This Hillsdale Middle Sewer Project is anticipated to start in Summer 2023. For more information about Sewer work, visit the Project Webpage or contact the Bureau’s Outreach Representative, Joe Tursi at
Jack and bore
Jack and bore is a trenchless method of installing pipes. Crews dig a "jacking pit" and a "receiving pit" to install a new pipe casing. They place a jack and bore machine in the jacking pit and cut a hole underground horizontally from the jacking pit to the receiving pit, without disturbing the surface above. As the machine drills the hole, it also functions like a jackhammer to push the new pipe casing into place.
The work involves the following steps:
- Dig a jacking pit and a receiving pit to the required depth.
- Place a jack and bore machine into the sending pit.
- Use the machine to cut a hole through the ground and push the new water pipe into place.
- Remove the jack and bore machine.
- Connect the new pipe to existing pipes on either end.
- Cover open pits with steel plates—or secure the pits with fencing—at the end of each day as needed while work is in progress.
- Backfill pits with sand or fill.
- Test, sanitize, and connect the new pipe to the water system.
- Restore the road surface.