How to submit your annual hazardous materials report

Have questions about how to fill out your annual report for the Groundwater Protection Program? Start here.
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Quick start guide

Learn how to navigate the online reporting portal in this quick start guide or by watching a video walk-through: 

This presentation walks businesses through the process of submitting their annual hazardous materials report.

What does "regulated threshold" mean?

You are required to include a substance on your report if your facility uses that material in the regulated threshold quantity listed. "Uses" means the material is present at the facility at any one time.

For example, if at any point in the year you have 50 gallons of a material that contains a hazardous substance (at a concentration of 10 percent or greater by weight), then you need to report 50 gallons.

The threshold quantity for petroleum products and fuels is slightly different. For petroleum fuels, you are only required to report if you have 50 gallons at any given time AND your facility stores any of that quantity in a container with a capacity greater than 50 gallons. For details, see the Reference Manual:

Where do I find the CAS number?

CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) numbers are like barcodes or social security numbers for chemicals. They contain up to 10 digits, divided by hyphens into three parts.

For example, the CAS number for sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye, is 1310-73-2. Every chemical has a unique CAS number to identify it. The CAS numbers are typically listed, along with percent concentrations, on the Safety Data Sheet for a material.

If you're not sure how to locate the CAS number for a product, please contact us and we will assist you.

I entered the CAS number in the CAS number box and nothing came up in the dropdown list.

Our reporting website only contains listings for chemicals that are regulated in the Groundwater Protection Program. If you enter a CAS number and no matches appear on the dropdown list, then that chemical is not on the EPA List of Lists or our list of Halogenated Solvents, and therefore is not regulated as a hazardous substance in our Groundwater Protection Program. You do not need to report it unless it fits into one of the other chemical reporting categories.

If you're still uncertain about what to report, please email the Groundwater Protection Program staff. We can help you find information about specific materials and chemicals.

What if I have a material containing more than one hazardous substance?

If you have a single product that contains multiple regulated substances (each at concentrations of 10 percent or greater), you should add a separate entry in your report for each regulated chemical. Enter each entry with the same product name and product details.

For example, if your facility has 50 gallons of a product called Mixture X, which contains both boric acid and chromium (both hazardous substances), you should have two entries for the same product. Your report would look like this:

list of multiple hazardous substances in one material example

All of the details about the substance are the same other than the CAS numbers and chemical names. When reading your report, we would interpret this as 50–199 gallons of one product (Mixture X) that contains two different chemicals.

How do I report used motor oil or used antifreeze?

Used motor oil and other petroleum-based automotive fluids are regulated as non-fuel petroleum products, not hazardous waste, unless you know that the used fluid contains 10 percent or more of a listed hazardous substance or waste by volume.

If you don't have a Safety Data Sheet with a CAS number for the used oil (for example, if you're an auto mechanic and collect used oil from cars that get oil changes in your shop), you should report it as a general non-fuel petroleum by entering the code 400. Many automotive fluids fall into this category.

If you have an unknown mix of petroleum fuels, use the code 450. Used antifreeze should be entered as either propylene glycol (CAS# 57-55-6) or ethylene glycol (CAS# 107-21-1). Both propylene glycol and ethylene glycol are hazardous substances. These are the most common active ingredients in antifreeze.

If you don’t know the source of your used antifreeze, report both ingredients. The waste antifreeze might be a mix of the two substances and you should document it as if it is (see "What if I have a material containing more than one hazardous substance?", above, for details).

How do I know if my waste product is a hazardous substance or hazardous waste?

Many common waste products, such as used antifreeze, are not actually considered hazardous waste under our regulations. That's because we use a list made by the EPA that details particular hazardous wastes. This list mainly includes chemical mixtures from specific industrial processes.

Waste codes are a letter followed by a three-digit number. For example, "K035" is a waste code used to report wastewater treatment sludge from the production of creosote.

If you plan to discard a material that contains a listed hazardous substance at a concentration of at least 10 percent by volume, that material still needs to be reported. It will be categorized and regulated as a hazardous substance. You can note that it's a waste product by including "waste" in the product name field. Or, if it's stored in the same area and type of container as the unused version at your facility, you can add up the total amount you have (unused and waste) and report it in one entry.

Do I need to report hazardous waste that I already report to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) as a hazardous waste generator?

Yes. If you submit an annual report on hazardous waste to the Oregon DEQ as a hazardous waste generator, you also need to report that waste to us. Email the Groundwater Protection Program staff if you have hazardous waste on site and would like guidance on how to report it under the local Groundwater Protection Program.

What if the composition of a product is a trade secret?

Some manufacturers do not disclose the chemical makeup of their products because the chemical makeup is a trade secret. In this case, provide the name of the product in the product name field and use the code "300" to list it as a trade secret. The regulated threshold for products listed only as "trade secret" is the same as that for hazardous substances.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?