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Request a bill adjustment due to water leak

Customers may qualify for bill adjustments when property-side leaks impact utility bills. Customers may request adjustments after leaks have been repaired. A City staff person will check the water meter to verify that the leak has been fixed.
On this Page

​​​​​​Gather information

Information needed for a leak adjustment request:

  • Today’s date
  • Customer name
  • Account number
  • Service address
  • City, state, ZIP  
  • Home phone
  • Work phone
  • Date leak was discovered  
  • Date leak was repaired
  • Description of the leak (faucet, toilet, underground, etc.)
  • Explanation of how the leak was repaired

Do I qualify?

Customers may qualify for bill adjustments when property-side leaks impact utility bills.

Each account is eligible to receive one adjustment during a 12-month period for an underground or outdoor leak that does not go into the sewer system and one adjustment for a leak that does go into the sewer system (such as a toilet leak.) Customers may request adjustments after leaks have been repaired. A city staff person will check the water meter to verify that the leak has been fixed.

Customers must make reasonable efforts to locate the leak and initiate repairs within 30 days of the City's or customer's initial notification of increased usage. Find more information on how to check for leaks. Repairs must be completed within 90 days after the customer was notified of increased usage. Exceptions for extraordinary circumstances may be considered through the appeal process. Water loss due to theft, vandalism, or construction damage is not covered and is the responsibility of the customer.

Informational Links

Request a Bill Adjustment

By email:

Call Water Bureau customer service:


Mail water adjustment information to:

Portland Water Bureau Customer Service

664 N Tillamook St
Portland, OR 97227
United States

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