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Apply for financial assistance with your sewer, stormwater, water bill

If you’re struggling to pay your sewer, stormwater, and water bill, we can help. Learn how to apply for a discount on your bill and view other resources for lowering your bill.
Two people sitting at a table looking at a paper form together. A laptop is open in front of one of them. A vertical blue stripe with wavy lines covers the right of the image. A light green icon with white hands cupping a dollar sign overlays the image.

Signing up usually takes about an hour.

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Our financial assistance program provides bill discounts and other forms of assistance to income-qualified single-family residential customers. Apply at the link below.

Proof of income is required. To continue receiving assistance, you must reapply every two years.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact our customer service team at PWBCustomerService@portlandoreg… or 503-823-7770.

Apply online

How to apply

There are a few ways to apply for our financial assistance program: 

Apply online

What you will need to apply:

  • Your service address, which is the location where we provide you water. You must live at the service address to receive financial assistance.
  • Names of all household members and birthdates for anyone 60 and over.
  • Total gross monthly income by source for all household members over 18.
  • You must provide proof of income that covers at least 30 consecutive days. View a list of accepted forms of income documentation.

Income eligibility guidelines 

Eligibility for financial assistance is determined by the combined gross monthly income for everyone in the household over 18. Households earning up to 60 percent of the state median family income are eligible for assistance. 

Gross income means the amount of money before taxes or other deductions.

Your household includes everyone over 18 who lives with you, including family members and roommates.

Income includes all money made from wages, tips, social security, alimony, child support, unemployment benefits, public assistance, pensions, interest and dividends, rental income, self-employment income, veterans’ benefits, and other sources of income. Food stamps DO NOT count as income.

Household SizeUpper monthly income limit
1 person$4,130
2 people$4,720
3 people$5,310
4 people$5,900
5 people$6,375
6 people$6,845
7 people$7,320
8 people$7,790
Each additional household memberAdd $475

Income limits valid until July 2025.

Other ways to lower your bill

In addition to our financial assistance program, we offer other programs that can help you lower your bill or keep on track with payments. These are available to all customers, regardless of income or account type.

  • Request a payment arrangement to extend your due date, break your bill into multiple payments, or help you get caught up on your bills.
  • Sign up for monthly statements. Most residential customers receive bills quarterly (once every three months). If you choose to receive monthly statements, you will pay the same amount, but we will split the total across three payments.
  • Apply for the Clean River Rewards program. Clean River Rewards provides up to a 35 percent discount on stormwater bills for customers who manage stormwater on their property.

Ways to save water

You can also save money on your bill by lowering your water use.

Contact our water efficiency team at or 503-823-4527 with questions or for help reducing your water use.

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