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Filtration Neighbor Update - Jan. 17, 2025

Read the Jan. 17, 2025 Bull Run Treatment Project Construction Activity Update to learn about construction activity for the week beginning Jan. 20.
newsletter header with the Portland Water Bureau and Bull Run Treatment Projects logos
Map of the project area showing traffic restrictions on lower and upper Lusted, and the Lusted/Altman, Oxbow/Altman, and Cottrell-347/Bluff intersections.
  • Starting Monday January 20, crews will be working for two weeks at the Oxbow Drive/Altman Road intersection. There will be a temporary safety barrier around the work zone in the westbound lane of Oxbow Drive that will restrict the travel lane. To manage two-way traffic flow around this work area, there will signage at the intersection as well as flaggers during shift hours and temporary traffic signals during off-shift hours. 
  • Starting Thursday January 23, crews expect to start water line installation work in the Lusted Road/Altman Road intersection. The intersection will be closed during shift hours while this work is happening. Detours for through traffic will be signed and the intersection will be opened to regular traffic outside of shift hours. Water line installation work in the intersection will continue into the following week, then move north to Altman Road.  
  • To help maintain road conditions, crews will be repairing potholes at the Cottrell Road-347th Avenue/Bluff Road intersection next week or the following week. Additional work will be happening on Cottrell Road and part of Lusted Road to collect data related to more extensive road improvements planned early this year.
  • Note: Temporary full closure of Pipeline Road near the intersection with Altman Road is expected January 27-February 8. Through traffic will be detoured, and local and emergency access will be maintained.

Read the Construction Activity Update 

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