Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Filtration Neighbor Update - Dec. 6, 2024

Please read the Dec. 6, 2024 Bull Run Treatment Project Construction Activity Update.
newsletter header with the Portland Water Bureau and Bull Run Treatment Projects logos
Map of the project area showing planned work areas on parts of Lusted and Dodge Park.
  • Construction and temporary traffic controls will be active in two spots on Lusted Road for the next few weeks while work happens in the public right-of-way just east of the Altman Road intersection and near the county line.
  • The work in Lusted Road between the intertie site and Altman Road will continue through December while crews install new water lines working east to west. Following this, the crews will shift to installing water lines in Altman Road.
  • Work is also starting on Lusted Road near the county line to temporarily widen the road within the right-of-way to help manage traffic during upcoming pipeline work. This work is likely to continue into January 2025.
  • In effort to remove soil off the site more efficiently and reduce the long-term duration of hauling, material hauling to and from the filtration facility site will also include Saturdays.
  • On Saturday December 14, there will be temporary traffic controls on Dodge Park Boulevard between Cottrell Road and Altman Road while crews pothole to confirm locations of existing underground utilities.
  • Note: A temporary full closure of the Altman Road/Lusted Road intersection is planned between December 16 and January 3. Detours for through traffic will be signed and the intersection will be open to regular traffic outside of shift hours. Additional information will be shared as available.

Read the Construction Activity Update 

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