Please read the Dec. 13, 2024 Bull Run Treatment Project Construction Activity Update.
- Dodge Park Boulevard (between Cottrell Road and Altman Road) on Saturday 12/14: Single-lane closure with flagged two-way traffic while crews complete potholing to confirm utility locations.
- Lusted Road/Altman Road intersection: Full closure during shift hours to allow for pipeline construction. Through traffic will be detoured to Oxbow Drive/Hosner Road or to Pleasant Home Road/Dodge Park Boulevard. Local farm traffic and school buses will be flagged through as needed. The intersection will be reopened to regular traffic outside shift hours.
- Lusted Road (between Hosner Road and Altman Road): Single-lane closure with flagged one-way westbound traffic while crews install water lines on the south side of Lusted Road between the intertie site and Altman Road intersection. Eastbound traffic will be detoured to Oxbow Drive or Dodge Park Boulevard--school buses and farm traffic will be flagged through west to east during shift hours as needed.
- Lusted Road (near county line): Single-lane closure with flagged two-way traffic to allow for temporary widening within the Lusted Road right-of-way.