Please read the Oct. 11, 2024 Bull Run Treatment Project Construction Activity Update.
- Crews are working to widen the east side of Altman Road, between Pipeline Road and Lusted Road, to help with traffic management during upcoming pipeline construction. A new Pleasant Home Water District water line will be installed in this stretch of Altman later this year.
- Improvements to the facility site access on Cottrell Road between Carpenter Lane and Dodge Park Boulevard are nearly finished. The "top lift" paving of this part of Cottrell Road is planned for Saturday October 12 and Monday October 14, followed by shoulder restoration work.
- For several months, contractors have been excavating and stockpiling clean soils at the facility site. With the "fix-it-first" road improvements wrapped up, contractors are now beginning to move those clean soils off site using the allowed haul routes for project. This truck traffic will be ongoing for the foreseeable future until the stockpiled clean soils are removed from the site.
- Temporary full road closures are planned for the Altman Rd/Lusted Rd intersection and for Lusted Rd near the county line in November and December. Additional information will be shared as available.