Please call 503-865-6884 or email to request a pump out.
How the Program Works
The program operates five days a week. Community members can call the dedicated phone number to request a pump out for their RV. A pump out truck driver proactively drives to areas with RVs and offers to pump out RVs parked in the street.
If you are concerned about sewage from an RV impacting the street or a storm drain, you can report it to the Pollution Control Hotline.
The program also offers support from a trained crisis prevention specialist who can offer referrals to needed services such as food and housing and provide basic hygiene products, including soap, feminine sanitary products, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. The program also provides heavy-duty garbage bags and garbage pickup.
Why It's Important
Portlanders living in RVs have limited options to dispose of sanitary waste (toilet waste) and gray water (sink and shower waste). Human and environmental health are at risk if this waste is dumped into a green street, storm inlet, or the street gutter. This program respectfully addresses the sanitation needs of our houseless neighbors.
Crews pump out sanitary waste and gray water from RVs parked in the right-of-way and dispose of the waste safely. The program eliminates a potential pathway for pollutants to reach our streams and rivers and eliminates the potential for human exposure to pathogens.
About the Program
The RV Pollution Prevention Program is managed by the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, whose mission is to manage wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to protect public health and the environment.
The City of Portland has committed $805,000 to this program. This money comes from the Federal government's 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) local recovery funds. The City of Portland is spending the funding in three priority categories:
- Houselessness Response and Household Stabilization
- Small Business and Commercial District Stabilization
- Community Health and Safety
Read more about these investments in the American Rescue Plan: Investing in Portland article.
Program Timeline
- March 2021: Pilot program launch
- July 2021: RV Pollution Prevention Program initiated and expanded using ARPA funds
- December 2024: ARPA funding ends, and unless other funds are identified, the program will end
Pilot Results
During the 3-month pilot program, crews pumped out 192 RVs. The expanded program is expected to support about 40 RVs per week. Through additional efforts to address the houseless crisis, this program ideally will no longer be needed as people move into more stable housing over time.
Transparency and accountability with how the City of Portland spends ARPA funds are essential. Explore the different projects at the Rescue Plan Open Data website.