Як працює рейтингове голосування?

A woman puts on an “I voted!” sticker against a pink background.
Дізнайтеся більше про рейтингове голосування та про те, як голосувати на виборах 2024 року.
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Що таке рейтингове голосування?

У системі рейтингового голосування виборці мають можливість ранжувати кандидатів за пріоритетом замість того, щоб вибрати лише одного кандидата.

Щоб дізнатися, хто переміг, голоси будуть підраховані у декілька етапів. У кожному раунді відбувається одна з двох речей: або визначається та обирається кандидат-переможець, або кандидат, який посів останнє місце, вибуває, і голоси виборців, які поставили цього кандидата своїм першим вибором, будуть зараховані на користь наступного позначеного ними кандидата.

Рейтингове голосування відображатиме один загальний вибір, що виключає первинні вибори.

Перегляньте відео, яке пояснює рейтингове голосування

Changes coming to the Nov. 5, 2024 Election

A sample ranked-choice voting ballot filled in correctly; six candidates have one vote and there are no overvotes or skipped rankings.

On Nov. 5, 2024, the City of Portland’s mayor and auditor will be elected in citywide contests using single-winner ranked-choice voting, while 12 Council members (three per district) will be elected using multi-winner ranked-choice voting. 

However, the voting experience won't change much. Portlanders will have a choice for three contests: mayor, auditor, and city councilors from each district. The ballot will show each eligible office with corresponding candidates next to it and space for write-in options. 

Portland voters will then make up to six selections for each of the three contests, ranking their choices in order of preference.

View sample ballots and learn more about filling out your ranked-choice voting ballot

Візьміть участь у імітації виборів

We all do some sort of ranked-choice voting in our daily lives. Participate in this mock election to be ready for election day on Nov. 5, 2024. 

Get ready for the in-person town halls by taking this mock election! We’ll have Kate’s Ice Cream (one scoop per person) available and will determine the flavors served based on the results of this mock election. 

The town halls will offer Spanish translation and American Sign Language interpretation, and there will be two in-person and two virtual options to ensure everyone can participate. 

Taking the mock election on your phone? Use this link for a better experience!

Remote Media URL

Practice single winner ranked-choice voting

This week we're partnering with the Office of Arts and Culture to rank Portlanders' favorite public art pieces. Learn more at Portland.Gov/Arts.
Remote Media URL


Single-winner ranked-choice voting will be used to elect the mayor and auditor

  • Once a candidate receives more than half of the votes in a given round, that candidate is declared the winner. 

  • If no winner is determined in a round, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and any votes for that candidate are shifted to those voters' next choice. 

  • A new round begins, and this continues until a winner is declared. 

See how votes are counted in a single-winner election

Multi-winner ranked-choice voting will be used to elect district council members

  • Any candidate receiving more than 25% of the votes in a round is declared a winner. 

  • If any candidate has received more votes than required to win, their extra votes are shifted to those voters’ next choice. 

  • If no winner is determined in a round, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and any votes for that candidate are shifted to those voters’ next choice. 

  • A new round begins, and this continues until three candidates have received more than 25% of the vote.  The winners are declared.

See how votes are counted in a multi-winner election

Learn more about tabulation and watch Multnomah County's video on the process
