Ulmus americana


American Elm 


Ulmus americana - American Elm

About American Elm at OSU's Landscape Plants site

  • Native to central and eastern North America.
  • Height can reach 160’ but is usually <100’.
  • Leaves are 3-6” long, doubly toothed, base unequal, dark green, shiny, smooth or rough above, and hairy or smooth below.
  • Flowers are small, in drooping clusters, and appear before leaves.
  • Winged seeds are 0.5” long with hairs along the edge.
  • The shape of tree is distinctive: the trunk and limbs are vase-shaped leading to a rounded crown with arching branches.
  • Common in Portland, but threatened by Dutch elm disease.
  • #1 was planted in front of the home of Martin and Rosetta Burrell in 1870.
Tree #LocationDimensionsPhoto and Notes
11111 SW 10th Ave
78' Height
105' Spread
12.2' Circ.

This tree was planted in front of the home of Martin and Rosetta Burrell in 1870 and is thus known as the 'Burrell Elm'. Removed in 2024.

Ulmus americana - American Elm
1024534 SW 60th Pl
Private, Front Yard
45' Height
90' Spread
18.6' Circ.

This is Ulmus x hollandica 'Vegeta'

Ulmus americana - American Elm
231625-635 NW 21st Ave
Right Of Way
85' Height
74' Spread
12.3' Circ.
Ulmus americana - American Elm
3182803 SE Main St.
Right of Way
73' Height
111' Spread
13' Circ.
Ulmus americana - American Elm

1599 N Fremont St

Public, Portland Parks & Recreation

71.1' Height 

102' Spread

13.36' Circ

49.8' DBH

Tree located in Overlook Park.

American elm, Ulmus americana