Urban Forestry is responsible for reviewing Street, City, and Heritage trees. Urban Forestry reviews are conducted any time a project is valued at $25K or greater and any time a Street, City , or Heritage tree may be impacted or removed by the development.
Project taken in by BDS
BDS intakes projects and sets up cases
Reviews assigned for Urban Forestry review
- Urban Forestry reviews are only for Street, City, and Heritage trees
- Assigned when a project is valued 25k or greater
- Also can be assigned when project is impacting or proposing removal of Street, City, and Heritage trees.
Urban Forestry Review Scope
- Street, City, Heritage tree preservation, protection, or mitigation
- Street tree planting
- On-site tree planting for City properties
All other on-site trees are reviewed by BDS Planning and Zoning.
Urban Forestry Preliminary Review
- Tree Technicians conduct initial review
- Looking for:
- Complete tree plan
- Impacts to Street, City, and Heritage Trees
- Street Tree Planting Requirements (Below)
Urban Forestry Field Visit
- Tree Inspectors will be assigned cases for field inspection when:
- Street, City, or Heritage trees are proposed for removal
- Street, City, or Heritage trees will be impacted by the development
- Tree planting is unable to be determined without a field visit
- Any other cased where a field visit is needed to determine requirements
- Checksheets will be sent to describe Urban Forestry’s requirements such as:
- Additional tree plan information
- Tree Planting requirements
- Tree Preservation requirements
- Tree Mitigation requirements
Approval / Stamps / Additional Documents
When Urban Forestry approves its review of a development permit additional information will be provided. The format of the information will depend on how the project was reviewed.
- Paper Plans
- Urban Forestry staff will mark the plans with red ink and apply red stamps to the site/tree plans.
- Single PDF Reviews
- A separate Memo will be included with the final approved plan set showing which showing which stamps apply.
- Full Project Dox Reviews
- All information will be sent digitally within Project Dox.
Additional documents will be provided with the approved plan set when required.