Use for relevant information gathering.
- Go to the Bureau of Development Services Permit/Case Search website at
- Type in the address and hit "Go"
- You may have to select the correct address from a list
- Look through the permit/case numbers and see if any of them end in "LU," with permit/case type of "Land Use Review"
- If you see any Land Use Reviews associated with the address, call Urban Forestry at 503-823-TREE (8733) and ask the technician to look up whether the Land Use Review governs tree preservation on the lot. Have the following information available when you call:
- The Land Use Review permit/case number
- The address of the lot
- The location of the tree on the lot
- The species, diameter, and condition of the tree
- Why you wish to remove the tree
- Your name, phone number, and relationship to the property