Create a Tree Inventory and a Tree Plan

Learn more about the City's specific tree plan requirements. Get a worksheet to help you complete your tree plan. Find out what the City inspector and consulting arborist must agree upon. Learn more about creating a tree project narrative and what that must include. Get help with your tree plan.

There are specific requirements for your Tree Plan. Begin by

  1. Review the Checklist for Tree Plan Submittal – CIPs and Projects on City Property PDF below to review requirements.
  1. Download the Tree Inventory Worksheet and Tree Inventory User Manual

    Tree Inventory Worksheet 

    •   (Note: Excel file, requires .xltm "Macros" enabled functions (versus .xls or .xlsx) file formats
  • Trees in your Tree Plan will also be in your Tree Inventory. The purpose of the Tree Inventory Worksheet is to:
    1. Describe how preserved trees will be protected
    2. Describe how those trees will be impacted
    3. Detail the mitigation requirements for your project
    4. Inventory all the applicable trees for your project
    5. Indicate which trees will be preserved or removed

Sometimes, your project's City tree inspector will fill out this sheet. For large-scale projects, you may have to hire a consulting arborist. In that case, the consulting arborist fills out the tree inventory.

The City tree inspector must agree with the consulting arborist about excluding trees because they are dead, dying, dangerous or nuisance species trees. They must also agree about changes to root protection zones. You may need to provide a project narrative that justifies exemptions and changes.

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