When Is a Pruning Permit Required?
- Street Trees: A permit is required to prune any tree in the City right-of-way, which is typically between the curb and sidewalk. No permit is required for pruning branches less than 1/2 inch in diameter at attachment to the stem.
- Private Trees: A permit is required to prune native trees in c, p, or v overlay zones.
- Click herefor more information.
If you wish to report a street tree that needs pruning, visit Tree Code Violations.
Can your Pruning Permit be Self-Issued ?
In some cases, there is a self-issued permit option available for limited pruning.
- Self-Issued Street Tree Pruning Permits:
- Pruning is for branches less than 6" in diameter at attachment to the stem.
- Pruning is for young tree pruning, crown cleaning or crown raising for clearance of the street and sidewalk (7.5' above the sidewalk, 11' above residential streets, and 14' over arterial streets).
- The Street Tree is not a Heritage Tree.
Otherwise you will fill out a Street Tree Pruning Permit Application with Inspection.
OR Everything else
- Street Tree Pruning Permit With Inspection:
- Other types of pruning (than above) may be permitted for Street Trees; however, they require a tree inspection and a permit issued by a City Tree Inspector.
- You can apply online with the link that follows
Review the Details on the Pruning FAQs page
Pruning Street Tree Permit Details / FAQs page
Review Resources
How to Prune Properly
Download the Tree Pruning Brochure:
Review the Street Tree Pruning Standards
Standards for any Street tree pruning.
Submit Application in Development Hub Online Portal
The button below will link to Development Hub (DevHub)
- You will need to create or log-in to an Account.
- Move through the steps when prompted
Need more Help?
Need Help Using Electronic Documents?
Navigating the Development Hub ( DevHub) application:
Alternatively, Please Download and Complete an Application and send by mail.
- Request a paper permit application by calling us, or
Need Help Using Electronic Documents?
Self-Issued Street Tree Pruning Permit Application ( Non-Removal) without an inspection or fee:
Street Tree Permit Application (Non-Removal) (230.75 KB)
Tree Pruning Permit application with fee and inspection:
Tree Pruning Application (258.79 KB)