Starting March 1, 2022 please listen to the 503-823-TREE(8733) Tree Hotline phone menu options which will change:
Option 1 - Tree Emergency dispatch available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Option 2 - Tree preservation inspections, for development-related inquiries
Option 3 - General inquiries, non-emergency (previously Option 5)
Option 4 - In-person hours and location (currently unavailable during COVID public health emergency closure)
The listen-only option for street tree root pruning permit information will be removed from the phone menu on March 1, 2022. Information on root pruning permit applications can be found on our website here:
Questions about street tree root pruning permit applications? Please leave a voice mail message on our general phone line through selecting Option 3, or by sending email to
Translation and Interpretation services
Customers needing language interpretation services may call 503-823-2525 for tree requests and questions to be connected to a live staff person during business hours. After hours, callers will hear instructions on available hours of service for calling back. This replaces an older system of selecting a voicemail box based on language services needed and requiring a call back at a later time. Read more about our new service availability here:
In-Person services are currently unavailable due to the continued closure of the Development Services Center. You can find the most current information on hours and location here: