Registration is closed for this planting season, winter 2024-2025, but will open again in the spring for planting next winter 2025-2026
Residents along underimproved streets can register to receive free street trees for the next planting season this winter.
To participate you must live in the project area along an underimproved road. For the 2024-2025 planting season, the project area is the Russell, Wilkes, and Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhoods. If your property qualifies, you will receive a postcard in June 2024 notifying you of eligibility. If you do not live in the project area and want a tree, you can still register using the registration form when it opens again in the spring and you will be added to the waitlist for future planting seasons.
After registering, Urban Forestry staff will survey the public right-of-way, usually the first 8-20 feet between the edge of the road and private property, in order to site trees away from utilities and existing infrastructure. The tree species will be chosen from the Approved Street Tree List to be an appropriate size for your site. Urban Forestry contractors will plant, water, weed and maintain the tree for the first three years, until October 2027. After that, the tree, per Title XI tree code, is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner.
Trees provide numerous essential services to city residents. They
- filter the air of pollutants and absorb stormwater
- provide shade, cooler temperatures and lower energy bills
- create safer streets by slowing down traffic
- help block noise
- reduce stress
- create more walkable neighborhoods
Streets without curbs or sidewalks often have fewer street trees since it is harder to tell where public and private property meet, but they shouldn’t miss out on the essential services that trees provide. If you live along an underimproved street, register for trees today and help us grow a vibrant urban canopy!
Program Timeline
- Registration: Opens June 2024 until October 2024 or until trees are gone.
- Utilities Locate: Utilities will be located and marked on the edge of your property along the street.
- Field Survey: Urban Forestry will visit your property, usually within a month of enrollment, and mark proposed tree locations based on available space, location of utilities, and required spacing guidelines.
- Notification: You will be notified by email or voicemail that your property has been surveyed. No further action is needed. If you no longer want trees or wish a location to be changed, please contact us within two weeks of receiving notification of the proposed tree locations.
- Tree Planting: Trees will be planted by contractors between November 15, 2024 and April 1, 2025. You will receive a postcard in the mail a few weeks before planting begins.
- Maintenance: Contractors will maintain and water the trees from the time of planting until October 15, 2027. After that date, the trees will be turned over to your care.
I received a postcard in the mail about this program
If you received a postcard in the mail about this program, that means you live along a street that qualifies for free street trees. Please register to receive free street trees along your property.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a street tree?
A street tree is a tree that is planted on city property in the public right-of-way, usually between the sidewalk and the curb. However, if you live along an unimproved road, it is possible that trees at the edge of your property are actually street trees on public property.
What is an underimproved street?
An underimproved street is a street that is missing a curb, a sidewalk or both.
Why are you planting along underimproved streets?
Underimproved streets often have fewer street trees than improved streets since they are missing a planting strip. Trees provide shade, slow down cars, reduce energy bills and filter the air. City of Portland wants to make sure these services are accessible to residents along unimproved streets.
What type of tree will I get?
Trees will be chosen from the City’s Approved Street Tree Planting Lists. For trees under high voltage lines the trees will be chosen from the Trees under high voltage power lines for 6' sites list. For sites without high voltage lines, the trees will be chosen from either the Trees without high voltage power lines for 6-8.4' sites or the Trees without high voltage power lines for 8.5' sites lists. The type of tree Urban Forestry recommends will depend on the condition of the property and what is available at that time. We try to plant large trees, both evergreen and deciduous to give the biggest benefits to residents.
Why do you mark utilities?
Because it is the law! We are required to mark utilities before digging. We also want to make sure that we place your new tree far enough from utilities that it is unlikely to cause problems as it grows.
When will I know if I am getting a tree?
After Urban Forestry visits your property, we will notify you via email or phone if we find a good location for street trees. We will mark the planting locations with white flags or spray paint. If you no longer want trees or wish a location to be changed after you are notified by Urban Forestry staff, please contact us at (503)823-4410 or email us at within two weeks of receiving notification of the proposed tree locations.
When will the tree be planted?
Our planting season is from November 15th to April 1st. Urban Forestry will send you a postcard before City contractors come by to plant.
Will I have to care for the tree?
You will not have to do anything for your new tree for the first three years! Urban Forestry contractors will plant, water and weed the new trees until they are established. After the third summer, the trees will be your responsibility to maintain, which is the same for all street trees under Portland City Code 11.60.060.A.2.a.
What happens if the tree dies?
If the tree dies in the first three years, we will replace it for free. If the tree dies after it is turned over to your care, you will be required to replace it.
Who pays for this?
Tree planting is funded by the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund, the Tree Planting and Preservation Fund, and the Parks Local Options Levy.
Can I use this program to fulfill the planting requirements of a permit?
No, these trees cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of a permit.
How many trees will I receive?
Urban Forestry will site as many trees as will fit along the road based on our spacing guidelines. Street trees are typically spaced 25 feet apart and to avoid other infrastructure such as driveways, water lines, street lights, and gas lines.
What if the tree damages my utilities?
Trees are selected to be the appropriate size and species for the available space. This program operates in compliance with Portland’s Approved Street Tree Planting Lists and Planting Specifications to reduce potential infrastructure damage. Utility locates are completed twice prior to planting.
Who is Urban Forestry?
Urban Forestry is a department of Portland Parks & Recreation. Urban Forestry’s mission is to manage and ensure Portland’s urban forest infrastructure for current and future generations. Urban Forestry is committed to working with property owners, residents, contractors, and communities to enhance the urban forest and optimize the service that trees provide us all.
Contact Us | 503-823-4410
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