See fee schedule for fees and payments. Civil penalties are designed to deter further violations so violating city code will be more costly than abiding by city code.
What Is a Tree Code Violation?
- Failure to properly maintain trees
- Conducting regulated tree activities without a permit
- Non-compliance with conditions of a permit
- Topping and excessive pruning
- Failure to install or maintain tree protection during development
- Removal or failure to maintain regulated trees
Code Violation Correction Process
When a violation of the tree code is confirmed by a site inspection, responsible parties are notified by mail and informed of actions needed to correct the violation. Correction options include:
- Applying for the appropriate permit
- Pruning trees to clearance standards
- Planting required trees
- Payment in lieu of planting trees
- Mitigation payment for removed trees
- Treatment of affected trees (i.e. restructuring by a certified arborist)
- Removal and replacement of dead or damaged trees
- Tree permit violation review
- Payment of a civil penalty
If a violation is corrected within the given timeframe, the case is closed, and no further action is taken. However, if the responsible parties are unresponsive or uncooperative, enforcement actions may be taken. Enforcement actions include:
- Initiating a proceeding before the Code Hearings Officer to enforce correction options above
- Enforcement penalties
- Initiating the nuisance abatement process
- Removal from the Tree Care Providers list
Tree Permit Violation Review Application
Step-By-Step Guides
These guides are intended to help you review your notice and make the needed corrections.
Step-By-Step Guides for Correcting Tree Code Violations |
- Finding a Tree Care Provider
- Step-By-Step Guide for Nuisance Notice
- Step-By-Step Guide for Violation Notice
- Encontrando un proveedor de cuidado para los árboles
- Guía paso a paso para el aviso por molestias
- Guía paso a paso para el aviso por infracción
- Tìm Nhà Cung cấp Dịch vụ Chăm sóc Cây
- Hướng dẫn từng bước Để Xử Lý Thông báo phiền toái
- Hướng dẫn từng bước cho Thông báo vi phạm
- Поиск поставщика услуг по уходу за деревьями
- Пошаговое руководство для уведомления о неудобстве
- Пошаговое руководство для уведомления о нарушении
- 寻找树木维护供应商
- 滋扰通知书分步指南
- 违规通知书分步指南