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The Services Trees Provide

Tom McCall trees
On this page

This sampling of research and research institutions describes the services trees provide from environmental, economic, and social perspectives.

Several of these studies are based in Portland and provide a local lens through which to view the services of our urban forest. Search the US Forest Service's Urban Ecosystems and Social Dynamics Program database on Urban Forestry for more studies on the services urban trees provide.

Benefits of Urban Forests Video 

Environmental Services Trees Provide

              USDA Forest Service

              Alliance for Community Trees

              Science Friday, Public Radio International, produced by Alexa Lim, Sept. 26,2014

              Science Friday, Public Radio International, produced by Alexa Lim, Sept. 26,2014

Economic Services Trees Provide

              Donovan, Geoffrey H., and David Butry. 2010

              Donovan, Geoffrey H., and David Butry. 2011

Energy Services Trees Provide

              Geiger, J.R. 2002

              McPherson, E. Gregory, and James R. Simpson. 2001

Social and Cultural Services Trees Provide

              Donovan, Geoffrey H., and Jeffrey P. Prestemon. 2012

              Projects Director Kathleen L. Wolf, Ph.D.

Health Services Trees Provide

              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

              Dwyer, John F., Herbert W. Schroeder, and Paul H. Gobster. 1991

              Portland State University


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