Measure the width of the planting site from the inside of the curb to the edge of the sidewalk. Use this list for 6.0 foot wide and greater planting spaces with high voltage power lines. Trees on this list are generally 20 - 35 ft (height) x 20 - 30 ft (width) at maturity.
This list is also for all unimproved right-of-way sites (curb with no sidewalk; or no curb and no sidewalk; or no curb, no sidewalk, and no paved road) WITH overhead high voltage power lines.
Tree Type | Size | Features | Description |
Cascara | |||
Cascara Frangula purshiana | 30 x 25 | native wildlife fall color part shade | This native tree performs best in part to full shade. Provides small black fruit that are a favorite with birds. Leaves turn golden in fall. |
Catalapa | |||
Chinese Catalpa | 25 x 25 | flowers | Attractive, orchid-like flowers mature into long, slender seedpods. |
Chitalpa | |||
Chitalpa xChitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn' | 30 x 30 | flowers | Pale pink flowers appear in summer and last for several months. A tough and drought tolerant tree. |
Dogwood | |||
Eddie's White Wonder Dogwood Starlight® Dogwood Venus® Dogwood | 35 x 20 30 x 20 25 x 20 | wildlife flowers fall color part shade | Hybrid dogwoods selected for large, white flower bracts and disease resistance. Red to purple-red fall color. |
Fringetree | |||
Chinese Fringetree | 20 x 25 | wildlife | In late spring, magnificent clusters of fragrant white fringe-like flowers cover the branch tips. |
Ginkgo | |||
Saratoga Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 'Saratoga' | 35 x 30 | fall color | Distinctive fishtail shaped leaves turn a striking gold in fall. Ginkgo is very tolerant of pollution and tough conditions. Nearly pest-free. Fruitless. |
Goldenrain Tree | |||
Goldenrain Tree Koelreuteria paniculata | 30 x 25 | flowers fall color unique bark | Long clusters of yellow flowers bloom in mid-summer and form lantern-like seed capsules. Leaves change from red-copper in spring to green in summer and yellow-orange in fall. |
Hawthorn | |||
Lavalle Hawthorn Crataegus xlavalleei | 25 x 20 | wildlife flowers fall color | Large clusters of white flowers are followed by orange-red fruit. The glossy green leaves stay on the tree late into fall. |
Hophornbeam | |||
American Hophornbeam | 30 x 25 | fall color | Fruit clusters look like hop flowers. Pest resistant and drought tolerant. Bright orange-gold fall color. |
Hornbeam | |||
Firespire® American Hornbeam Native Flame® American Hornbeam | 30 x 25 | fall color | Slow growing, tough tree with an unusual fluted trunk. Fall color ranges from yellow to orange to red. |
Ironwood | |||
Ruby Vase® Persian Ironwood Vanessa Persian Ironwood | 35 x 20 | fall color | An upright, narrow cultivar with brilliant yellow, orange and red fall colors. Exfoliating bark exhibits a mosaic of green, white, and brown. |
Maackia | |||
Amur Maackia Maackia amurensis | 30 x 25 | flowers fall color unique bark | A tough tree that grows well in poor soils. Produces small white flower clusters in mid-summer. Golden fall color. |
Magnolia | |||
Elizabeth Magnolia Galaxy Magnolia Victoria Southern Magnolia | 30 x 20 30 x 20 | flowers | Large fragrant spring flowers appear in late spring: luminous pale yellow for Elizabeth and brilliant pink-purple for Galaxy. Large fragrant creamy white flowers appear in late spring. The glossy, evergreen leaves have cinnamon-brown and fuzzy undersides. |
Osage-orange | |||
White Shield Osage-orange | 35 x 35 | fall color | A thornless and fruitless osage orange variety with glossy green leaves that turn orange in fall. Once established, it is heat and drought tolerant. |
Pistache | |||
Chinese Pistache Pistachia chinensis | 30 x 25 | fall color | Highly tolerant of hot, dry summers once established. Striking fall color is yellow, orange, and red. |
Raisintree | |||
Japanese Raisintree Hovenia dulcis | 35 x 25 | wildlife flowers | Sweet, fragrant white flowers are a bee favorite. The flowers, fruit, and flower stalk are edible and taste like raisins. |
Redbud | |||
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis | 30 x 30 | flowers fall color | Abundant pink-purple flowers cover the tree in early spring, followed by heart-shaped leaves. |
Tupelo | |||
Gum Drop® Tupelo Nyssa sylvatica 'JFS-PN Legacy1' | 30 x 20 | fall color | A compact, upright tupelo cultivar. Glossy dark green leaves turn bright red in autumn leaves. Fruitless. |
Zelkova | |||
City Sprite® Japanese Zelkova Wireless® Japanese Zelkova | 25 x 20
| fall color | Compact, dense tree grows well in tight spaces. Leaves turn brilliant orange, bronze, red, and purple in the fall. |