Coast Redwood
About Coast Redwood at OSU's Landscape Plants site
Native from coastal southwest Oregon and northern California.
Height can exceed 360’. Tallest tree in world and can live over 2,000 years.
Needles are fl at and 2-ranked on shoot (feather-like).
Needles near the top of tree are shorter, sharper, and radially arranged on shoot.
Seed cones are roundish, 0.75” long.
Fairly common in Portland.
Tree # | Location | Dimensions | Photo and Notes |
167 | 3381 SE Francis St Private, Rear Yard | 70' Height 49' Spread 14.6' Circ. | This tree is most visible from SE 33rd Pl. |
282 | Hillside Park Portland Parks & Recreation | 112' Height 54' Spread 13.2' Circ. | This tree is to the right of the main entrance to the gymnasium. |
301 | 7617 SE Main St Private, Front Yard | 120' Height 60' Spread 19.2' Circ. | This tree is adjacent to the exit for the parking lot at St. Andrews Care Center. |
329 | Peninsula Crossing Trail, near N Carey Blvd and N. Princeton St Right-of-way | 114' height 54' canopy spread 18' circumference |