Tulip Tree
About Tulip Tree at OSU's Landscape Plants site
- Native to the U.S. east of Mississippi River.
- Record height to 200’; many well over 100’.
- Leaves are 4-lobed but look almost square.
- Flowers resemble orangey-green tulips, very attractive but difficult to see because of green leaves; seed pods resemble 2”-long bristles of a paint brush.
- Fall foliage is gold yellow.
- Fairly common in Portland.
- #3 was planted near the George Nicolai home in the 1890s.
Tree # | Location | Dimensions | Photo and Notes |
3 | Private, Side Yard | 72' Height 65' Spread 15.5' Circ. | This tree is at the corner of NE 15th Ave and NE Weidler St, in an open patio area. It was planted near the George Nicolai home in the 1890s. |
11 | Private, Front Yard | 80' Height 55' Spread 15.6' Circ. | |
17 | Private, Front Yard | 80' Height 66' Spread 14.1' Circ. | |
38 | Private, Side Yard | 90' Height 81' Spread 19.6' Circ. | |
103 | Right of Way | 100' Height 70' Spread 12.1' Circ. | This is the south tree in a pair of Heritage Tulip Trees at this location, they are on 24th Ave. |
104 | Right of Way | 100' Height 74' Spread 14.5' Circ. | This is the north tree in a pair of Heritage Tulip Trees at this location, they are on 24th Ave. |
124 | Private, Front Yard | 130' Height 84' Spread 14.3' Circ. | |
262 | Private, Front Yard | 100' Height 75' Spread 14.4' Circ. | |
280 | Right of Way | 66' Height 47' Spread 15.9' Circ | |
396 | Private, Front Yard | 80' Height 45' Spread 17.5' Circ |