Black Walnut
About Black Walnut at OSU's Landscape Plants site
Native to eastern North America.
Can exceed 160’.
Leaves are compound with 13-27 leaflets.
Nuts are tasty but hard to crack and extract the meat.
Wood is extremely valuable.
Fall foliage is yellow.
Common in Portland. Many planted over 100 years ago.
#35 was planted in the late 19th century on the Jacob Kamm estate, 13 acres bordered by SW Salmon, SW Jefferson, SW 14th and SW 18th. The Kamm house was moved in 1950 to SW 20th and Jefferson to make way for Lincoln High School.
Tree # | Location | Dimensions | Photo and Notes |
31 | Right of Way | 90' Height 90' Spread 13.2' Circ. | The tree is along SE 77th Ave. |
35 | Portland Public Schools | 85' Height 75' Spread 13.8' Circ. | This tree is at Lincoln High School, on the corner of SW Salmon and SW 14th Ave. The tree was planted in the late 19th century on the Jacob Kamm estate, 13 arces bordered by SW Salmon, SW Jefferson, SW 14th and SW 18th. The Kamm house was moved in 1950 to SW 20th and Jefferson to make way for Lincoln High School. |
58 | Private, Front Yard | 60' Height 100' Spread 15' Circ. | |
108 | Private, Rear Yard | 77' Height 98' Spread 15.7' Circ. | This tree is fully visible from N Graham St. |
150 | Private, Rear Yard | 70' Height 84' Spread 17.9' Circ. | |
151 | Private, Front Yard | 80' Height 87' Spread 12' Circ. |