Tree # | Year | Name | Location |
1 | 1993 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2024 |
2 | 1993 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | NW Corner of SW Park & Main (right-of-way) |
3 | 1993 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 1403 NE Weidler St (private, side yard, corner lot) |
4 | 1993 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 2137 SE 32nd Pl (private, side yard) |
5 | 1993 | Pinus nigra - Austrian pine | SW 20th & Howards Way (right-of-way, TriMet) |
6 | 1993 | Cedrus libani - Cedar of lebanon | 2024 SW Howards Way (private, side yard) |
7 | 1994 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 10115 NE Thompson St (right-of-way, unimproved) |
8 | 1994 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 7168 N Olin Ave (right of way, unimproved) |
9 | 1994 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | 1961 SW Vista Ave (private, front yard) |
10 | 1994 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 1310-1338 NW 23rd Ave (private, side yard) |
11 | 1994 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 2390 SW Madison St (private, front yard) |
12 | 1994 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2018 |
13 | 1994 | Quercus bicolor - Swamp white oak | Removed from list in 2011 |
14 | 1994 | Magnolia acuminata - Cucumber tree | 1961 NW Glisan St (PP&R, Couch Park) |
15 | 1994 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | 4234 SE 33rd Pl (right-of-way, unimproved) |
16 | 1994 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 1579 SE Nehalem St (private, front yard) |
17 | 1994 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 3104 SE Gladstone St (private, front yard) |
18 | 1994 | Pinus radiata - Monterey pine | 5330 SE 37th Ave (right-of-way) |
19 | 1994 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 1815 N Humboldt St (private, front yard) |
20 | 1994 | Quercus velutina - Black oak | 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd (private, Reed College) |
21 | 1994 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 1224 SE Sellwood Blvd (private, front yard) |
22 | 1994 | Betula nigra - River birch | 7951 SE 7th Ave (PP&R) |
23 | 1994 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2024 |
24 | 1994 | Catalpa speciosa - Northern catalpa | 2827 NE 24th Ave (right-of-way) |
25 | 1994 | Catalpa speciosa - Northern catalpa | 2827 NE 24th Ave (right-of-way) |
26 | 1994 | Ulmus minor var. vulgaris - English elm | Removed from list in 2023 |
27 | 1994 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 5000 N Willamette Blvd (private, University of Portland) |
28 | 1994 | Acer macrophyllum - Bigleaf maple | Removed from list in 2000 |
29 | 1994 | Acer saccharinum - Silver maple | Removed from list in 2003 |
30 | 1994 | Ulmus minor `variegata' - Tartan elm | 2120 SE 24th Ave (right-of-way) |
31 | 1994 | Juglans nigra - Black walnut | 7703 SE Martins St (right-of-way) |
32 | 1994 | Carya tomentosa - Mockernut hickory | 1609 SE Umatilla St (right-of-way) |
33 | 1994 | Carya laciniosa - Shellbark hickory | 143 SE 32nd Ave (private, rear yard) |
34 | 1994 | Carya laciniosa - Shellbark hickory | 143 SE 32nd Ave (private, rear yard) |
35 | 1994 | Juglands nigra - Black walnut | 1600 SW Salmon St (Portland Public Schools) |
36 | 1994 | Ulmus minor var. vulgaris - English elm | 2363 NW Flanders St (right-of-way) |
37 | 1994 | Magnolia grandiflora - Southern magnolia | 212 SW Meade St #WI (private, rear yard) |
38 | 1995 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 5450 SE 40th Ave (private, side yard) |
39 | 1995 | Catalpa speciosa - Northern catalpa | 1126 SE 15th Ave (right-of-way) |
40 | 1995 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 1816 SE 21st Ave (private, front yard) |
41 | 1995 | Aesculus flava - Yellow buckeye | 3387 SE Tibbetts St (right-of-way) |
42 | 1995 | Catalpa speciosa - Northern catalpa | Removed from list in 2007 |
43 | 1995 | Arbutus menziesii - Madrone | Removed from list in 2015 |
44 | 1995 | Betula pendula x B pubescens - Birch hybrid | Removed from list in 2017 |
45 | 1995 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | 2642 NW Lovejoy St (private, rear yard) |
46 | 1995 | Ulmus x hollandica - Dutch elm | 2330 NW Flanders St (right-of-way) |
47 | 1995 | Ulmus glabra `Camperdownii' - Camperdown elm | 3040 SE McLoughlin Blvd (private, side yard) |
48 | 1995 | Nyssa sylvatica - Tupelo | 7951 SE 7th Ave (PP&R, Sellwood Park) |
49 | 1995 | Tilia platyphyllos - Bigleaf linden | 2204 SE 11th Ave (right-of-way) |
50 | 1995 | Araucaria araucana - Monkey puzzle | Removed from list in 2001 |
51 | 1995 | Paulownia tomentosa - Empress tree | Removed from list in 2023 |
52 | 1995 | Cryptomeria japonica - Cryptomeria | 7688 SW Capitol Hwy (PP&R, Multnomah Arts Center) |
53 | 1995 | Fraxinus latifolia - Oregon ash | 2038 SW Myrtle St (right-of-way) |
54 | 1995 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 1875 SW Park Ave (Portland State University) |
55 | 1995 | Liquidambar styraciflua - American sweetgum | 2617 NE 16th Ave (right-of-way) |
56 | 1995 | Liquidambar styraciflua - American sweetgum | 2617 NE 16th Ave (right-of-way) |
57 | 1995 | Cunninghamia lanceolata - China fir | 1104 SE Mall St (right-of-way) |
58 | 1995 | Juglans nigra - Black walnut | 1942 SE 30th Ave (private, front yard) |
59 | 1995 | Magnolia fraseri - Fraser magnolia | Removed from list in 2008 |
60 | 1995 | Acer rubrum - Red maple | Removed from list in 2015 |
61 | 1995 | Pinus monticola - Western white pine | 1726 SE 24th Ave (private, front yard) |
62 | 1995 | Tilia platyphyllos - Bigleaf linden | 6325 SE Division St (PP&R, Mt Tabor Park) |
63 | 1995 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 2401 SE 26th Ave (private, side yard) |
64 | 1995 | Castanea sativa - Spanish chestnut | 2401 SE 26th Ave (private, side yard) |
65 | 1995 | Juglans nigra - Black walnut | Removed from list in 2005 |
66 | 1995 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | 1009 NE Stanton St (private, side yard) |
67 | 1995 | Pinus densiflora - Japanese red pine | Removed from list in 2016 |
68 | 1995 | Pinus densiflora - Japanese red pine | 110 NE 39th Ave (right-of-way) |
69 | 1995 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2017 |
70 | 1995 | Salix babylonica - Weeping willow | Removed from list in 2024 |
71 | 1995 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 9107 N Richmond Ave (private, rear yard) |
72 | 1995 | Castanea sativa - Spanish chestnut | Removed from list in 2012 |
73 | 1995 | Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo | 662 NW Melinda Ave (private, front yard) |
74 | 1995 | Castanea sativa - Spanish chestnut | 3436 SE Johnson Creek Blvd (right-of-way) |
75 | 1996 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 4620 SW 29th Pl (private, front yard) |
76 | 1996 | Cornus nuttallii - Pacific dogwood | Removed from list in 2022 |
77 | 1996 | Cornus nuttallii - Pacific dogwood | 7817 N Haven Ave (right-of-way) |
78 | 1996 | Juglans regia - English walnut | 5941 NE 45th Ave (private, side yard) |
79 | 1996 | Quercus chrysolepis - Canyon live oak | 2425 NE Alameda St (private, side yard) |
80 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 2737 NE 15th Ave (right-of-way) |
81 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 2738 NE 15th Ave (right-of-way) |
82 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 2739 NE 15th Ave (right-of-way) |
83 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 2740 NE 15th Ave (right-of-way) |
84 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 2741 NE 15th Ave (right-of-way) |
85 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 1408 NE Knott St (right-of-way) |
86 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 1409 NE Knott St (right-of-way) |
87 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 1410 NE Knott St (right-of-way) |
88 | 1996 | Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian wingnut | 1411 NE Knott St (right-of-way) |
89 | 1996 | Quercus prinus - Chestnut oak | 1927 NE Tillamook St (private, front yard) |
90 | 1996 | Populus x canadensis - Carolina poplar | Removed from list 2023 |
91 | 1996 | Quercus coccinea - Scarlet oak | 2502 SE Sherman St (private, rear yard) |
92 | 1996 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | Removed from list in 2005 |
93 | 1996 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | Removed from list in 2005 |
94 | 1996 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | Removed from list in 2005 |
95 | 1996 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | Removed from list in 2005 |
96 | 1996 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | Removed from list in 2005 |
97 | 1996 | Rhododendron ponticum - Ponticum rhododendron | 1905 SE Larch Ave (private, front yard) |
98 | 1996 | Aesculus glabra - Ohio buckeye | 2160 SW Main St (right-of-way) |
99 | 1996 | Acer saccharinum - Silver maple | Removed from list in 2004 |
100 | 1996 | Aesculus hippocastanum - Common horsechestnut | 1013 SE Lambert St (right-of-way) |
101 | 1996 | Aesculus hippocastanum - Common horsechestnut | 1014 SE Lambert St (right-of-way) |
102 | 1996 | Ulmus x hollandica 'Vegeta' - American elm | 4534 SW 60th Pl (private, front yard) |
103 | 1996 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 2404 NE Clackamas St (right-of-way) |
104 | 1996 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 2405 NE Clackamas St (right-of-way) |
105 | 1996 | Acer campestre - Hedge maple | 2517 NE Multnomah St (right-of-way) |
106 | 1996 | Acer campestre - Hedge maple | 2518 NE Multnomah St (right-of-way) |
107 | 1996 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 2425 NE Alameda St (private, front yard) |
108 | 1996 | Juglans nigra - Black walnut | 2830 N Williams Ave (private, rear yard) |
109 | 1996 | Crataegus x lavallei - Lavalle hawthorn | 1011 SW 12th Ave (right-of-way) |
110 | 1996 | Crataegus x lavallei - Lavalle hawthorn | 1011 SW 12th Ave (right-of-way) |
111 | 1996 | Crataegus x lavallei - Lavalle hawthorn | 1011 SW 12th Ave (right-of-way) |
112 | 1996 | Crataegus x lavallei - Lavalle hawthorn | 1011 SW 12th Ave (right-of-way) |
113 | 1996 | Cedrus deodara - Deodar cedar | 2609 SW Park Pl (right-of-way) |
114 | 1996 | Tilia platyphyllos - Bigleaf linden | Removed from list in 2008 |
115 | 1996 | Juglans cinerea - Butternut | 1584 SE Lexington St (right-of-way) |
116 | 1996 | Juglans cinerea - Butternut | 1584 SE Lexington St (right-of-way) |
117 | 1996 | Cornus nuttallii - Pacific dogwood | 2944 SE Taylor St (private, side yard) |
118 | 1996 | Magnolia tripetela - Umbrella magnolia | Removed from list in 2011 |
119 | 1996 | Ulmus x hollandica - Dutch elm | 2455 NW Johnson St (right-of-way) |
120 | 1996 | Ulmus minor - Smoothleaf elm | 6125 SW Boundary St (private) |
121 | 1997 | Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore maple | 2807 NE 8th Ave (right-of-way) |
122 | 1997 | Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore maple | 2808 NE 8th Ave (right-of-way) |
123 | 1997 | Acer macrophyllum - Bigleaf maple | Removed from list in 2003 |
124 | 1997 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 1208 SE 53rd Ave (private, front yard) |
125 | 1997 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 2896 SW Patton Rd (right-of-way) |
126 | 1997 | Fagus sylvatica f. pendula - Weeping beech | 2417 SW 16th Ave (private, side yard) |
127 | 1997 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2017 |
128 | 1997 | Cedrus atlantica - Atlas cedar | 2033 SW Madison St (private, rear yard) |
129 | 1997 | Platanus orientalis - Oriental planetree | 1032 SW Taylors Ferry Rd (private, rear yard) |
130 | 1997 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | 4504 SW Shattuck Rd (private, front yard) |
131 | 1997 | Ulmus glabra `Camperdownii' - Camperdown elm | Removed from list in 2001 |
132 | 1997 | Cladrastis kentukea - Yellowwood | 2425 SE Bybee Blvd (right-of-way) |
133 | 1997 | Magnolia grandiflora - Southern magnolia | 1410 SW Harrison St (private, side yard) |
134 | 1997 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas fir | Danford Balch Homesite (PP&R, Upper Macleay Park) |
135 | 1997 | Tilia americana - Basswood | 8332 SE 16th Ave (private, front yard) |
136 | 1997 | Tilia americana - Basswood | 8332 SE 16th Ave (private, front yard) |
137 | 1997 | Magnolia x soulangiana - Saucer magnolia | 1041 SW Vista Ave (private, front yard) |
138 | 1997 | Arbutus menziesii - Madrone | Removed from list in 2002 |
139 | 1997 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | 4825 SW Dosch Park Ln (private, front yard) |
140 | 1997 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | 4826 SW Dosch Park Ln (private, rear yard) |
141 | 1997 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 4825 SW Dosch Park Ln (private, rear yard) |
142 | 1997 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2011 |
143 | 1997 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2024 |
144 | 1997 | Pinus strobus - Eastern white pine | 4825 SW Dosch Park Ln (private, side yard) |
145 | 1997 | Thuja plicata - Western redcedar | 4825 SW Dosch Park Ln (private, rear yard) |
146 | 1997 | Calocedrus decurrens - Incense cedar | 4825 SW Dosch Park Ln (private, front yard) |
147 | 1997 | Picea sitchensis - Sitka spruce | 4711 SW Campbell Ct (private, side yard) |
148 | 1997 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas fir | 2525 SW Montgomery Dr (right-of-way) |
149 | 1997 | Styphnolobium japonica - Japanese pagoda tree | 3075 NW Cornell Rd (private, side yard) |
150 | 1997 | Juglans nigra - Black walnut | 4404 SE 35th Ave (private, rear yard of 4 properties) |
151 | 1997 | Juglans nigra - Black walnut | 4818 SE Tenino Dr (private, front yard) |
152 | 1997 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 6325 SE Division St (PP&R, Mt Tabor Park) |
153 | 1997 | Ostrya virginiana - American hop-hornbeam | 221 NE 45th Ave (right-of-way) |
154 | 1997 | Ostrya virginiana - American hop-hornbeam | 221 NE 45th Ave (right-of-way) |
155 | 1997 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 1719 NE Knott St (private, front yard) |
156 | 1997 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | 5700 SE Taylor St (private, front yard) |
157 | 1997 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2023 |
158 | 1997 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 2393 SW Park Pl #101 (private, rear yard) |
159 | 1997 | Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Katsura | 1132 SW Vista Ave (private, front yard) |
160 | 1997 | Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Katsura | SE 39th & Oak (PP&R, Laurelhurst Park) |
161 | 1997 | Tilia platyphyllos - Bigleaf linden | Removed from list in 2015 |
162 | 1997 | Catalpa bignonioides - Southern catalpa | 5533 N Maryland Ave (right-of-way) |
163 | 1997 | Betula pendula - European white birch | 1526 NE Thompson St (private, side yard) |
164 | 1997 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 1728 NE Stanton St (private, front yard) |
165 | 1997 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd (private, side yard) |
166 | 1997 | Gymnocladus dioica - Kentucky coffeetree | Removed from list in 2010 |
167 | 1997 | Sequoia sempervirens - Coast redwood | 3381 SE Francis St (private, rear yard) |
168 | 1998 | Acer palmatum - Japanese maple | 2367 NW Kearney St (private, front yard) |
169 | 1998 | Thuja plicata - Western redcedar | 6215 SW 27th Ave (private, rear yard) |
170 | 1998 | Carya ovata - Shagbark hickory | Removed from list in 2018 |
171 | 1998 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 7100 SW Macadam Ave (PP&R, Willamette Park) |
172 | 1998 | Ulmus x hollandica 'Hollandica' - Dutch elm | 1150 SW King Ave (private, front yard) |
173 | 1998 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 2909 SW 2nd Ave (PP&R, Lair Hill Park) |
174 | 1998 | Carya ovata - Shagbark hickory | 3037 SW 2nd Ave (PP&R, Lair Hill Park) |
175 | 1998 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | SE Powell Blvd (PP&R, Powell Park) |
176 | 1998 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | SE Powell Blvd (PP&R, Powell Park) |
177 | 1998 | Acer saccharum - Sugar maple | 3715 N Baldwin St (right-of-way) |
178 | 1998 | Pinus pinea - Italian stone pine | 2856 N Emerson Ct (right-of-way) |
179 | 1998 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | SW Corner of SW Lane & Corbett (PP&R) |
180 | 1998 | Aesculus flava - Yellow buckeye | 5511 SE 44th Ave (right-of-way) |
181 | 1998 | Pinus coulteri - Coulter pine | Removed from list in 2023 |
182 | 1998 | Castanea dentata - American chestnut | Removed from list in 2023 |
183 | 1998 | Castanea dentata - American chestnut | Removed from list in 2017 |
184 | 1998 | Umbellularia californica - Oregon myrtle | 2408 SE 16th Ave (private, rear yard, corner lot) |
185 | 1998 | Calocedrus decurrens - Incense cedar | 1144 SE 55th Ave (private, side yard) |
186 | 1998 | Carpinus caroliniana - American hornbeam | 4327 SE Ellis St (right-of-way) |
187 | 1998 | Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo | 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd (private, Reed College) |
188 | 1998 | Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo | 3204 SE Woodstock Blvd (private, Reed College) |
189 | 1998 | Sciadopitys verticillata - Umbrella pine | 2870 NW Cornell Rd (private, front yard) |
190 | 1998 | Sciadopitys verticillata - Umbrella pine | 2870 NW Cornell Rd (private, front yard) |
191 | 1998 | Quercus palustris - Pin oak | Removed from list in 2022 |
192 | 1998 | Zelkova serrata - Zelkova | 4066 SE Oak St (private, rear yard) |
193 | 1998 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 4343 SE Madison St (private, rear yard) |
194 | 1998 | Carya illinoinensis - Pecan | SE 47th & Steele (PP&R) |
195 | 1998 | Carya illinoinensis - Pecan | SE 47th & Steele (PP&R) |
196 | 1998 | Aesculus californica - California buckeye | 5527 SE Tolman St (private, front yard) |
197 | 1998 | Pinus monophylla - Single-needle pinyon | Removed from list in 2024 |
198 | 1998 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 7654 N Crawford St (private, rear yard, school) |
199 | 1998 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 7655 N Crawford St (private, rear yard, school) |
200 | 1998 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2022 |
201 | 1998 | Calocedrus decurrens - Incense cedar | 3022 N Ainsworth St (private, front yard) |
202 | 1998 | Pinus engelmannii - Apache pine | 5936 N Delaware Ave (right-of-way) |
203 | 1998 | Cercis siliquastrum - Judas tree | 2336 NE Ridgewood Dr (private, front yard) |
204 | 1999 | Malus x domestica - Gravenstein apple | 4017 SE 9th Ave (right-of-way) |
205 | 1999 | Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo | 1836 SE 51st Ave (right-of-way) |
206 | 1999 | Prunus avium - Royal Ann cherry | Removed from list in 2023 |
207 | 1999 | Styphnolobium japonica - Japanese pagoda tree | 6436 SE Morrison St (private, side yard) |
208 | 1999 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 5925 SE Madison St (private, front yard) |
209 | 1999 | Cedrus deodara - Deodar cedar | 5925 SE Madison St (private, front yard) |
210 | 1999 | Ulmus glabra - Wych elm | 222 SE 17th Ave (right-of-way) |
211 | 1999 | Prunus avium - Cherry | Removed from list in 2023 |
212 | 1999 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | 2524 NE 25th Ave (right-of-way) |
213 | 1999 | Prunus pendula - Weeping cherry | 3403 NE 18th Ave (private, rear yard) |
214 | 1999 | Liquidambar styraciflua - American sweetgum | 5104 NE Flanders St (right-of-way) |
215 | 1999 | Acer saccharinum - Silver maple | Removed from list in 2011 |
216 | 1999 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 5739 SW Cheltenham Dr (private, rear yard) |
217 | 1999 | Prunus x yedoensis - Yoshino cherry | 55 SW Ash St (right-of-way) |
218 | 1999 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 2024 SW Howards Way (private, front yard) |
219 | 1999 | Ulmus x hollandica - Dutch elm | 1225 SW 6th Ave (right-of-way) |
220 | 1999 | Pinus rudis - Endlicher pine | 2403 SW Jefferson St (PP&R, Washington Park) |
221 | 1999 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 2234-2238 SW Vista Ave (private, front yard) |
222 | 1999 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | Removed from list in 2019 |
223 | 1999 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | Removed from list in 2019 |
224 | 1999 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | Removed from list in 2019 |
225 | 1999 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | Removed from list in 2019 |
226 | 1999 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | Removed from list in 2019 |
227 | 1999 | Ulmus x hollandica 'Hollandica' - Dutch elm | Removed from list in 2013 |
228 | 1999 | Ulmus minor var. vulgaris - English elm | Removed from list in 2013 |
229 | 1999 | Ulmus x hollandica 'Hollandica' - Dutch elm | Removed from list in 2017 |
230 | 1999 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2013 |
231 | 1999 | Ulmus americana - American elm | 625-635 NW 21st Ave (right-of-way) |
232 | 1999 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2000 |
233 | 1999 | Cryptomeria japonica - Cryptomeria | 6232 NE Stanton St (private, front yard, corner lot) |
234 | 1999 | Pinus lambertiana - Sugar pine | Removed from list in 2006 |
235 | 1999 | Juglans cinerea - Butternut | 9009 N Foss Ave (PP&R, Charles Jordan Community Center) |
236 | 2001 | Araucaria araucana - Monkey puzzle | 419 NE Hazelfern Pl (private, front yard) |
237 | 2001 | Araucaria araucana - Monkey puzzle | 415 NE Laurelhurst Pl (private, front yard) |
238 | 2001 | Quercus coccinea - Scarlet oak | 3922 N Overlook Blvd (private, front yard) |
239 | 2001 | Pinus sabiniana - Gray pine | 4074 N Massachusetts Ave (right-of-way) |
240 | 2002 | Ulmus laevis - European white elm | 3331 NE Hancock St (right-of-way) |
241 | 2002 | Acer palmatum - Japanese maple | 3652 SE Alder St (private, front yard) |
242 | 2003 | Juglans regia - English walnut | 907 SE Bidwell St (right-of-way) |
243 | 2003 | Quercus phellos - Willow oak | Columbia Park (PP&R) |
244 | 2003 | Quercus phellos - Willow oak | SW Wright & Park Pl (PP&R, Washington Park) |
245 | 2003 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | 8143 SW 37th Ave (private, front yard) |
246 | 2003 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn redwood | 2562 SW Hillcrest Dr (private, rear yard) |
247 | 2003 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2018 |
248 | 2003 | Umbellularia californica - Oregon myrtle | 2904 N Portland Blvd (right-of-way) |
249 | 2003 | Aesculus hippocastanum - Common horsechestnut | 1465 NE Going St (right-of-way) |
250 | 2003 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 8516 N Fowler Ct (right-of-way) |
251 | 2003 | Taxus baccata - English yew | 3345 SE Milwaukie Ave (private, front yard) |
252 | 2003 | Acer macrophyllum - Bigleaf maple | 6733 N Greeley Ave (right-of-way) |
253 | 2003 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn redwood | 1617 NE Brazee St (private, front yard) |
254 | 2003 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn redwood | 3515 N Lombard Ct (private, rear yard) |
255 | 2003 | Abies grandis - Grand fir | 252 NW Maywood Dr (removed in 2015) |
256 | 2003 | Fraxinus americana - American ash | 412 NE Hazelfern Pl (right-of-way) |
257 | 2003 | Aesculus californica - California buckeye | 8827 N Haven Ave (right-of-way) |
258 | 2003 | Ulmus minor - Smoothleaf elm | 2546 NE 18th Ave (right-of-way) |
259 | 2004 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | South of 3969 N Overlook Terr (private, undeveloped lot) |
260 | 2004 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas fir | Powell Butte Nature Park (Portland Water Bureau) |
261 | 2004 | Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumannii' - Common horsechestnut | 1529 NE Thompson St (right-of-way) |
262 | 2004 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 4807 NE 10th Ave (private, front yard) |
263 | 2004 | Acer saccharinum - Silver maple | 12456 SW Orchard Hill Rd (private, rear yard) |
264 | 2004 | Betula nigra - River birch | 2104/2106 SE Yamhill St (right-of-way) |
265 | 2004 | Davidia involucrata var. vilmorinia -Hardy dove tree | Removed from list in 2023 |
266 | 2004 | Ulmus x hollandica 'Hollandica' - Dutch elm | Removed from list in 2019 |
267 | 2005 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | Removed from list in 2006 |
268 | 2005 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 5813 SE Steele St (right-of-way) |
269 | 2005 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 2407 NE 18th Ave (right-of-way) |
270 | 2005 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 2407 NE 18th Ave (right-of-way) |
271 | 2005 | Carya illinoinensis - Pecan | 3329 SE Madison St (private, side yard) |
272 | 2005 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 5559 SE 109th Ave (right-of-way) |
273 | 2005 | Araucaria araucana - Monkey puzzle | Removed from list in 2024 |
274 | 2005 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | 5340 N Interstate Ave (PP&R, Patton Square Park) |
275 | 2005 | Acer platanoides - Norway maple | 7351 SE 31st Ave (right-of-way) |
276 | 2005 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 7404 N Oatman Ave (private, rear yard) |
277 | 2005 | Cedrus atlantica - Atlas cedar | 2190 SW Kings Ct (private, rear yard) |
278 | 2005 | Carya laciniosa - Shellbark hickory | 1942 SW Montgomery Dr (private, front yard) |
279 | 2007 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas fir | 13931 NE Glisan St (private) |
280 | 2007 | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip tree | 1602 SE 32nd Pl (right-of-way) |
281 | 2007 | Pinus wallichiana - Himalayan pine | 3310 NW Franklin Ct (private, side yard) |
282 | 2007 | Sequoia sempervirens - Coast redwood | 701 NW Culpepper Terr (PP&R, Hillside Park) |
283 | 2007 | Abies concolor - White fir | 2156 SW Laurel St (private, front yard) |
284 | 2008 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 4768 N Oberlin St (private, rear yard) |
285 | 2008 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | 3437 NE 29th Ave (private, front yard) |
286 | 2009 | Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo | 3145 NE 8th Ave (private, rear yard) |
287 | 2009 | Ulmus glabra `Camperdownii' - Camperdown elm | 1836 SE Locust Ave (private, front yard) |
288 | 2009 | Lagerstroemia indica - Crape myrtle | 4201 SE Franklin St (private, front yard) |
289 | 2009 | Lagerstroemia indica - Crape myrtle | 4201 SE Franklin St (private, front yard) |
290 | 2009 | Malus x domestica - Yellow bellflower apple | 4700-4799 SW Campbell Ct (right-of-way) |
291 | 2009 | Osmanthus fragrans - Osmanthus | Removed from list in 2018 |
292 | 2009 | Davidia involucrata - Dove Tree | 2425 SE Bybee Blvd (Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden, fee entry) |
293 | 2009 | Calocedrus decurrens - Incense cedar | Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery (Metro) |
294 | 2009 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas fir | Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery (Metro) |
295 | 2009 | Acer macrophyllum - Bigleaf maple | Removed from list in 2022 |
296 | 2009 | Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - Port Orford cedar | 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd (private, Reed College) |
297 | 2009 | Castanea sativa - Spanish chestnut | 828 NE Prescott St (right-of-way) |
298 | 2010 | Catalpa bignonioides - Southern catalpa | 3401 SE Clinton St (private, side yard) |
299 | 2010 | Pinus taeda - Loblolly pine | 3045 NE 9th Ave (private, front yard) |
300 | 2010 | Cedrus deodara - Deodar cedar | 3735 SE Woodstock Blvd (private, front yard) |
301 | 2010 | Sequoia sempervirens - Coast redwood | 7617 SE Main St (private, front yard) |
302 | 2010 | Quercus rubra - Northern red oak | 4706 SE 58th Ave (private, front yard) |
303 | 2010 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 2437 NE Regents Dr (right-of-way) |
304 | 2010 | Quercus macrocarpa - Burr oak | 2921-2955 SE Washington St (right-of-way) |
305 | 2010 | Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore maple | 2923 NE 8th Ave (right-of-way) |
306 | 2011 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn redwood | Upper Macleay Park (PP&R) |
307 | 2011 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 5810 SE Taylor St (private, front yard) |
308 | 2011 | Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore maple | 2607 NE Wasco St (right-of-way, removed from list in 2020) |
309 | 2011 | Cedrus atlantica - Atlas cedar | 7000 SW 63rd Ave (private, side yard) |
310 | 2011 | Diospyrus virginiana - American persimmon | 6440 NE 36th Ave (right-of-way) |
311 | 2011 | Larix kaempferi - Japanese larch | 4626 NE 37th Ave (private, front yard) |
312 | 2013 | Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea - European beech | 4073 N Gantenbein Ave (private, front yard) |
313 | 2013 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn redwood | SW Bary Ln (PP&R, Hoyt Arboretum) |
314 | 2013 | Quercus palustris - Pin oak | 1611 NW 32nd Ave (private, side yard) |
315 | 2014 | Aesculus hippocastanum - Common horsechestnut | 4741 SE 36th Pl (right-of-way) |
316 | 2014 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 1357 SW Spring Garden (private, front yard) |
317 | 2014 | Tilia tomentosa - Silver linden | 408 N Rosa Parks Way (right-of-way) |
318 | 2015 | Ulmus americana - American elm | 2803 SE Main St (right-of-way) |
319 | 2015 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Removed from list in 2018 |
320 | 2015 | Prunus armeniaca - Apricot | 4823 NE 18th Ave (private, front yard) |
321 | 2015 | Malus x domestica - Gravenstein apple | 5003 SE 34th Ave (private, front yard) |
322 | 2015 | Aesculus hippocastanum - Common horsechestnut | 8710 N Willamette Blvd (right-of-way) |
323 | 2015 | Juglans x paradox - Paradox walnut | Removed from list in 2019 |
324 | 2016 | Arbutus menziessi - madrone | 8018 SE Bush St (right-of-way) |
325 | 2016 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - dawn redwood | 4600 SW Maplewood Dr (private, yard) |
326 | 2016 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - dawn redwood | 4600 SW Maplewood Dr (private, yard) |
327 | 2016 | Prunus X 'Shirotae' - Mt. Fuji flowering cherry | 221 NE 58th Ave (private, front yard) |
328 | 2016 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | Removed from list in 2018 |
329 | 2016 | Sequoia sempervirens - coast redwood | N Princeton St & N Syracuse St (right-of-way) |
330 | 2017 | Taxodium distichum - bald cypress | 4600 SW Maplewood Rd (private, front yard) |
331 | 2017 | Pinus bungeana - lacebark pine | Removed from list in 2022 |
332 | 2017 | Quercus rubru - Northern red oak | Removed from list in 2023 |
333 | 2017 | Ulmus glabra `Camperdownii' - Camperdown elm | 4223 SE 67th Ave (private, front yard) |
334 | 2017 | Pinus ponderosa - ponderosa pine | 6804 N Campbell St (right-of-way) |
335 | 2017 | Carpinus betulus - European hornbeam | Fernhill Park, NE 39th Ave & NE Ainsworth St (PP&R) |
336 | 2017 | Carpinus betulus - European hornbeam | Fernhill Park, NE 39th Ave & NE Ainsworth St (PP&R) |
337 | 2018 | Abies grandis - Grand fir | Pier Park, 10325 N Lombard St (PP&R) |
338 | 2018 | Platanus acerifolia - London planetree | 3967 N Overlook Blvd (right-of-way, NW corner) |
339 | 2018 | Platanus acerifolia - London planetree | 3967 N Overlook Blvd (right-of-way, NE corner) |
340 | 2018 | Platanus acerifolia - London planetree | 3967 N Overlook Blvd (right-of-way, S corner) |
341 | 2018 | Platanus acerifolia - London planetree | 1335 N Mason St (right-of-way) |
342 | 2018 | Juglans regia - English walnut | 4528 N Vancouver Ave (private, back yard) |
343 | 2018 | Quercus rubra - Red oak | 5245 NE Cleveland Ave (right-of-way) |
344 | 2018 | Sassafras albidum - Sassafras | 5901 N Borthwick Ave (right-of-way) |
345 | 2018 | Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' - Boulevard cypress | 3401 SE Clinton St (private, side yard) |
346 | 2018 | Fagus sylvatica f. pupurea - Copper beech | 3839 SE Woodward St (private, front yard) |
347 | 2018 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 7110 SE 29th Ave (private, backyard) |
348 | 2018 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas-fir | 8207 SW 30th Ave (right-of-way) |
349 | 2018 | Pinus ponderosa - Ponderosa pine | 4124 SW Canby St (right-of-way) |
350 | 2018 | Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood | 4600 SW Maplewood Rd (private) |
351 | 2018 | Halesia monticola - Mountain silverbell | 4600 SW Maplewood Rd (private) |
352 | 2018 | Acer pictum - Painted maple | 4600 SW Maplewood Rd (private) |
353 | 2019 | Gymnocladus dioica - Kentucky coffeetree | 6635 N Baltimore Ave (PP&R, Cathedral Park) |
354 | 2019 | Umbellularia californica - Oregon myrtle | 8235 & 8241 N Chautauqua Blvd (private, rear yard) |
355 | 2019 | Pinus densiflora - Japanese red pine | 10040 NE 6th Dr (PP&R, Columbia Children's Arboretum) |
356 | 2019 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn redwood | 6805 NE 32nd Ave (private, rear yard) |
357 | 2019 | Fagus sylvatica - Copper beech | 3834 NE 23rd Ave (private, rear yard) |
358 | 2019 | Acer campestre - Hedge maple | 3424 NE 17th Ave (right-of-way) |
359 | 2019 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas-fir | 5151 NW Cornell Rd (private, Audubon Society) |
360 | 2019 | Castanea sativa - Spanish chestnut | 2704 SE 84th Ave (right-of-way) |
361 | 2019 | Populus nigra var. italica - Lombardy poplar | 16160 SE Powell Blvd (PP&R, Powell Butte Nature Park) |
362 | 2019 | Cedrus atlantica - Blue Atlas cedar | 6704 SE 122nd Ave (PP&R, Leach Botanical Garden) |
363 | 2019 | Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum | 7300 SW Brier Pl (right-of-way) |
364 | 2019 | Quercus palustris - Pin oak | 7326 SW Brier Pl (right-of-way) |
365 | 2020 | Abies pinsapo - Spanish fir | 9008 N Charleston Ave (private) |
366 | 2020 | Platanus x acerifolia - London planetree | 23 NE Morgan St (private) |
367 | 2020 | Tilia tomentosa - Siver linden | Peninsula Park (PP&R) |
368 | 2020 | Cedrus deodara - Deodar cedar | 6006 N Mississippi Ave (private) |
369 | 2020 | Ulmus americana - American elm | Overlook Park (PP&R) |
370 | 2020 | Quercus hypoleucoides - Silverleaf oak | 2627 NE 11th Ave (right-of-way, north tree) |
371 | 2020 | Quercus hypoleucoides - Silverleaf oak | 2627 NE 11th Ave (right-of-way, south tree) |
372 | 2020 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 3310 NE 36th Ave (private) |
373 | 2020 | Fagus sylvatica - European beech | 810 SE 86th Ave (right-of-way) |
374 | 2020 | Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo | 6704 SE 122nd Ave (Leach Botanical Garden, PP&R) |
375 | 2020 | Crataegus x lavallei - Lavalle hawthorn | 6704 SE 122nd Ave (Leach Botanical Garden, PP&R) |
376 | 2020 | Stewartia monadelpha - Orangebark stewartia | 6704 SE 122nd Ave (Leach Botanical Garden, PP&R) |
377 | 2020 | Eucalyptus perriniana - Spinning gum | 3415 SW Water Ave (right-of-way) |
378 | 2022 | Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas-fir | 5518 SE 139th Ave (right-of-way) |
379 | 2022 | Cinnamomum japonicum - Japanese cinnamon | 3223 NE 16th Ave (right-of-way) |
380 | 2022 | Cinnamomum japonicum - Japanese cinnamon | 3223 NE 16th Ave (right-of-way) |
381 | 2022 | Abies grandis - Grand fir | 7100 SW Brier Pl (private) |
382 | 2022 | Cedrus deodara - Deodar cedar | 617 NE Prescott St (private) |
383 | 2022 | Cedrus deodara - Deodar cedar | 617 NE Prescott St (private) |
384 | 2022 | Thuja plicata - Western redcedar | 7077 SW 32nd Ave (right-of-way) |
385 | 2022 | Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Katsura | Pier Park (PP&R, hole 4 on disc golf course) |
386 | 2022 | Sequoiadendron giganteum - Giant sequoia | 3114 NW Thurman St (private) |
387 | 2023 | Fagus sylvatica - Copper beech | 1943 SE Hemlock Ave (private) |
388 | 2023 | Platanus x acerfolia - London planetree | 5014 NE Simpson St (private) |
389 | 2023 | Corylus colurna - Turkish hazelnut | Knott Park (PP&R) |
390 | 2023 | Cedrus libani ssp. Atlantica - Atlas cedar | Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy (PP&R) |
391 | 2023 | Chamaecyparis lawsoniana - Port Orford cedar | 5210 NE Thompson St (right-of-way) |
392 | 2023 | Stypholobium japonicum syn. Sophora japonica | Argay Park (PP&R) |
393 | 2024 | Fagus sylvatica - Copper beech | Clark Elementary School on SE 89th Ave (right-of-way) |
394 | 2024 | Thuja plicata - western redcedar | 34 SE 88th Ave (private, backyard) |
395 | 2024 | Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore | 2417 NW Raleigh St (right-of-way) |
396 | 2024 | Liriodendron tulipifera - tulip tree | 2835 SE Carlton St (private) |
397 | 2024 | Quercus garryana - Oregon white oak | 1144 SE Flavel St (private) |