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Portland Arbor Day 2024

Community Event
Get ready for Portland Arbor Day 2024! Join us in welcoming the fall season by celebrating our trees at Glenfair Park on October 12, 2024.
10:00 am 2:00 pm

2024 Arbor Day (Free Event) at Glenfair Park

NE 154th Ave and NE Couch Ct, Portland, OR 97230

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Yard Tree Giveaway 8:30 am- 1:00 pm (learn more here)

Tree Planting 10am-12pm (register here)

Naito Community Trees Award and Tree City USA Awards 12pm -12:30pm

Arbor Day Celebration 12:00 pm-2:00 pm 

Arbor Day Activities

tree planters working together

Come plant trees together!

  • Help to plant 12 young trees in Glenfair Park to add shade, beauty, and cleaner air to the neighborhood.
  • Experience the Portland Arbor Day Proclamation!
  • Celebrate this year's Bill Naito Community Trees Award winners!

Come play with us!

  • Take a sky-high bucket truck ride!
  • Get your face painted by Mystique's Fancy Faces!
  • Sing along with stories by Nikki Brown Clown!
  • Enjoy tree-themed arts and crafts for all ages!
a bucket truck ride carrying a child and adult
Child spinning plant identification wheel

Meet the community organizations that support our neighborhoods!

  • Enjoy tasty local food!
  • Have you heard of Thrive PDX?
  • Come and meet the Urban Gleaners!
  • Get to know teachers of wellness using local flora!

Pick up your free trees!

The Yard Tree Giveaway team will be giving away 100 free trees at this event! Be sure to sign up in advance to receive one! 

a pair of people sitting with their free yard tree giveaway trees
three people group at a table signing up on forms

Come and share your story!

  • Got a special "tree story" you'd like others to hear?
  • It could be included in an upcoming Tree Bark newsletter!

Spread the Love and Connect our Branches!

Every year, Portland Arbor Day gathers communities to a local park. We learn about the trees, the wonderful groups who help care for our neighborhoods, welcome the autumn, and plant new trees in time for the rainy season.

How can you share the good news?

Helpful Language

"Celebrate Arbor Day at Glenfair Park! Plant and care for trees while enjoying family fun activities. Saturday, October 12 from 10:00am–2:00pm. See details.

"Let's plant trees at Portland's Arbor Day! Join me at Glenfair Park on October 12th to plant 12 young trees with neighbors and friends." Learn more

Make Friends with Urban Forestry on Social Media 

Facebook - Urban Forestry - Portland Parks & Recreation

Twitter - @urban_forestry

Instagram - @portlandparks

a cluster of cones open on a conifer branch in the sun

Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry's mission is to manage and ensure Portland's urban forest infrastructure for current and future generations. Portland’s urban forest consists of 236,000 street trees, 1.2 million park trees, and innumerable private property trees.

Urban Forestry is involved in managing or regulating all of these trees to differing degrees. Urban Forestry staff issue permits for planting, pruning, and removal of all public and some private trees and are on call 24/7 to respond to tree emergencies.

Urban Forestry homepage.

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