Volunteer for Portland's Environment

Local environmental groups in Portland you can volunteer with.

Urban Forestry - Neighborhood Tree Stewards (NTS)

Neighborhood Tree Stewards (NTS) gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be stewards of Portland’s urban forest. Stewards put their new skills to use by planting trees, organizing, advocating, and greening their neighborhoods.

Natural Areas Volunteer Stewardship

PP&R's Natural Area Stewardship program works with volunteers of all ages to help enhance and restore Portland Parks natural areas, to provide habitat to wildlife and insects, and provide safe trails to park visitors.

Community Outreach with UF

Share your love of trees and help talk to and engage with neighbors at many local events and festivals! Help us connect with the public to let them know who we are and what we do, so that we can best serve the people of Portland.

The Intertwine

A coalition for parks, trails and nature in Portland Oregon & Vancouver Washington region.

Portland State University, Institute for Sustainable Solutions

At PSU, each student has the opportunity to graduate with real-world understanding of complex sustainability issues — social, economic, and environmental — and have hands-on experience testing and adapting solutions.

Volunteer with Friends of Mt. Tabor Park

Join the "Weed Warriors" as a volunteer or crew leader to help Mt. Tabor Park.

Help Plant Trees

Help with planting days or become a summer tree inspector with Friends of Trees. 

Be a Green Street Steward

Green streets are small rain gardens in the public right-of-way that manage storm-water runoff from streets.

Get Involved with SOLVE

Volunteer at planting events and attend presentations focused on watershed health.

Rain Garden or Naturescaping Workshops

Attend or host a workshop to learn about planning and constructing rain gardens and nature-scaping

Volunteer with Depave

Volunteer to work on pavement removal projects that protect water quality.

Backyard Certified Habitat Program

Teach your neighbors and friends about backyard habitats and help them certify their backyards! Contact Audubon Society of Portland or Columbia Land Trust.

Portland Surfrider

Volunteer for cleanups and learn about ways to help protect our oceans, waves and beaches. 

SW Watershed Resource Center

Volunteer or attend an education session to learn more about invasive plant removal and native plant landscaping, stormwater management, and natural gardening.

Rose Festival

Volunteer for the festival that celebrates Portland and learn more about what they are doing for World Environment Day. 

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