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Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Calocedrus decurrens


Incense Cedar


Calocedrus decurrens - Incense Cedar

About Incense Cedar at OSU's Landscape Plants site

  • Native to Oregon, California to Baja California, and western Nevada.

  • Tree has been known to reach >225’, but city height is usually 100’.

  • Leaves are overlapping scales that when crushed are fragrant (hence the name).

  • Male pollen cones appear in winter; female cones appear later and look like urns until they open to look like duck bills.

  • Bark is reddish-brown, furrowed, and shaggy.

  • Lower branches can look like a person flexing arm muscles.

  • Somewhat uncommon in Portland.

  • #293 has a notable columnar form.

Tree #LocationDimensionsPhoto and Notes

4825 SW Dosch Park Ln

Private, Front Yard

150' Height

25' Spread

10.2' Circ.

This tree is at the SW corner of the house.

Calocedrus decurrens - Incense Cedar

1144 SE 55th Ave

Private, Side Yard

85' Height

40' Spread

12.8' Circ.

This tree is on the east side of the lot, between SE Taylor St and SE Salmon.

Calocedrus decurrens - Incense Cedar

3022 N Ainsworth St

Private, Front Yard

98' Height

24' Spread

12.6' Circ.

Calocedrus decurrens - Incense Cedar

Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery

Public (Metro)

110' Height

12' Spread

10.5' Circ.

The tree is located inside Lone Fir Cemetery, on the north side of the Cemetery; opposite 2231 SE Stark St. This tree is distinctive for its well defined columnar form.

Calocedrus decurrens - Incense Cedar