Emergency shelters open tonight

The shelters are open from 8 p.m. tonight until at least noon Tuesday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

What are Neighborhood Greenways?

Neighborhood greenway header
Neighborhood greenways are:
• Quiet, slow streets
• Streets that prioritize people walking, bicycling, and rolling
• The backbone of the Safe Routes to School network
• Connectors between neighborhoods, parks, schools, and business districts
On this page
Schematic map of neighborhood greenway network

Click here to see an expanded version of this map

What are Neighborhood Greenways?

Neighborhood greenways are low-traffic and low-speed streets where we give priority to people walking, bicycling, and rolling. Neighborhood greenways form the backbone of the city’s Safe Routes to School network and connect neighborhoods, parks, schools, and business districts. Portland has more than 100 miles of neighborhood greenways in every part of the city.

Learn about Neighborhood Greenways by watching this short video. 

Read our 2020 Neighborhood Greenways Status ReportThis report includes project summaries for neighborhood greenways that began or completed construction in 2019 and 2020, projects breaking ground in 2020 and 2021, and recommendations for improving the network. 

View the 2015 Neighborhood Greenway Assessment Report that authorized operational guidelines for traffic volumes and speeds and crossing opportunities on the neighborhood greenway network.

Neighborhood greenways help PBOT meet its strategic plan in key areas by:

  • Building safer streets where people drive slower
  • Providing transportation options for everyone, giving more people opportunities to walk, bike, and roll for neighborhood trips

In the last few years, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) substantially expanded and improved the neighborhood greenway network with new corridors and safety upgrades to existing facilities. 

Why Neighborhood Greenways?

  • People of all ages and abilities should feel safe using neighborhood greenways to get exercise and travel to destinations without a car.
  • Portland is growing but our roadway space is not. If we don’t provide better travel options, we’ll have an additional 110,000 cars on our streets by 2035, a 54% increase.
  • When more people feel comfortable walking, biking and rolling for more of their trips, we are supporting climate goals and helping build healthy communities. 

Components of a greenway

Neighborhood greenways are quiet and comfortable places for people to walk and bike due to a number of engineering strategies. 

Speed bumps - Bumps keep speeds slow and safe for everyone.

Protected crossings at busy streets - Median islands shorten crossing distances on bigger roads; high visibility crosswalks and signs highlight that many people will be crossing there.

Traffic diversion - Cars are directed to main thoroughfares with signs or physical barriers. Navigation apps often direct people through neighborhoods to avoid traffic. Using diverters to change traffic patterns stops cut-through traffic, keeping neighborhood streets quiet.

Wayfinding signs -Distance and estimated travel times for popular destinations are posted on signs throughout the network.

"Sharrow" street markings - The sharrow markings indicate where to ride on the street, and can also serve as a helpful wayfinding tool.

A diagram of a street intersection showing components of a neighborhood greenway. These include sharrow markings, crosswalks, medians for crossing busy streets, and 20 mph speed signs.
All of these components work together to make greenways work for pedestrians and cyclists.

Find a greenway near you

Plan a trip by greenway with Portland's walk and bike maps. 

Neighborhood walk and bike maps
Learn where stairs and walking paths will take you. Biking information is included, too! These maps show transit stops, public art, parks and schools. 

Citywide bike map
See neighborhood greenways, protected bike lanes, and difficult intersections with this mobile-friendly map.

Resources for your trip

We have lots of resources for feeling comfortable while traveling by any mode on Portland's low-stress greenway network.

Two people biking away from the camera on a neighborhood greenway with a sharrow marking. One biker is a young person. They are riding comfortable on a street with no other traffic.

Contact us

Please be safe and courteous. There’s a lot riding on it.

For safety or traffic concerns on Neighborhood Greenways, please contact:


311 City of Portland general information hotline

503-823-4000 Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (excluding federal holidays) Translation services available

711 Oregon Relay Service

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