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Congratulation Graduates!
Now that school's out, are you ready for summer adventures?
Mobility is key to safe and fun adventuring, and Safe Routes to School is here to help you know how to get to your upcoming summer adventures!
First step! Starting May 16th, f you have a cell phone, text MIDDLE to 888-520-0526 to sign-up. Don't have a cell phone? No problem. Email us at We'll send you SmartTrips to School transportation tips, activity ideas, and you'll have the opportunity to claim a free swim pass (while supplies last)!
Second step! Check out the events calendar below to pick your adventure.
Third step! Keep scrolling on this page to learn more about ways you can get where you want to go.
Have fun and be safe!
The Safe Routes to School team
Dear Caretakers,
The Safe Routes to School program want to celebrate your graduating 5th grader and promote safe travel as they transition to middle school.
SmartTrips to Middle School is a Safe Routes to School program designed to support safe travel. Students will be prompted to think about their transportation choices, plan for safety, and we’ll share resources to move around the city. They'll also have the opportunity to claim a free swim pass (while supplies last)!
Starting May 16th, we will be contacting students via text and mail. Rest assured we will never ask your student to post or share personal information. However, to participate in our optional giveaways, we will request a name and mailing address. All information is confidential, and will never be shared, posted publicly, or given to private organizations. Participants who chose not to participate in the giveaways will still receive safe travel information.
To sign-up, text MIDDLE to 888-520-0526. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
In solidarity,
The Safe Routes to School team
Events calendar
Free summer events calendar
Getting There
- Portland's Online Bike Map
- Neighborhood maps showing stairs and walking routes
- TriMet Trip Planner
- Getting There: How to plan your active transportation trip
You can also visit our City Explorer web page to practice trip planning, street design, and link up to videos about how other people are getting around.
- Pedestrian safety tips (bilingual in English and Spanish)
- Suggested walks around Portland
- Portland Family Bike Guide
- Neighborhood greenways
- Right to be
Bilingual in English and Spanish
North map
Southeast map
- Southeast Portland Bike/Walk Map (western section)
- Southeast Portland Bike/Walk Map (eastern section)
Northwest/downtown map
- Northwest Portland Bike/Walk Map (downtown section)
- Northwest Portland Bike/Walk Map (Forest Park section)
Northeast map
- Northeast Portland Bike/Walk Map (western section)
- Northeast Portland Bike/Walk Map (eastern section)
Southwest/south map
For more tips and resources, follow Safe Routes to School on social media!
Facebook: @PBOTSafeRoutes
Instagram: @saferoutespdx