School campus circulation

A grid map with street names that surround a block drawing of a school campus. Different icons show bike parking, where crosswalks and park and walk locations are found, and other details to convey a smooth arrival and dismissal time.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation's Safe Routes to School program can help your school develop a circulation map and other transportation strategies.

School Circulation Maps

Clear expectations can help caretakers practice good driving habits during pick-up and drop-off. Make sure caretakers understand where you want them and where you don’t. Circulation maps are a great addition to back to school bus, walk and roll information. 

We are big fans of Seattle's Safe Routes to School program, and highly recommend looking through this toolkit for ideas and recommendations: Improve Your School Arrival and Departure Procedures: A Toolkit for School Safety Committees

Parking Education

Our Safe Routes to School program can support parking issues that may occur during arrival and dismissal times. Visit our parking education page to review available materials that support parking management near campus.

To implement a parking education program or collaborate on a circulation map, connect with us at