SE 174th Avenue closure from June 25-26
Southeast 174th Avenue will be closed north of SE Alder Street and Washington Court beginning Tuesday, June 25 at 7:00 AM and remain fully closed until Wednesday, June 26 at 5:00 PM. The area is approximately 80 feet in length and will maintain 174th Avenue access for Keystone Apartment residents.
The left turn lane from SE Stark Street onto SE 174th Avenue will also be closed during this time.
East and westbound travel on SE Alder Street and Washington Court will be maintained.
SE Alder Street closure from June 27-28
A section of SE Alder Street will be closed west of SE 174th Avenue beginning Thursday, June 27 at 7:00 AM and remain fully closed until Friday, June 28 at 5:00 PM.
North and southbound travel will be maintained on SE 174th Avenue. SE Washington Court will also remain open.
Residents of the Alderwood Apartments will need to use an alternative route to access SE Stark Street.
What to expect
- Full road closure on a section of SE 174th Avenue about 80 feet north of SE Alder Street intersection from 7:00 AM on Tuesday, June 25 until 5:00 PM on Wednesday, June 26. The left turn lane on SE Stark Street will also be closed.
- Full road closure on a section of SE Alder Street about 80 feet west of SE 174th Avenue intersection from 7:00 AM Thursday, June 27 until 5:00 PM on Friday, June 28.
- Local access to all properties will be maintained, but project neighbors should expect traffic delays in and near the work area.
- Some equipment and materials will be stored on the street overnight.
What's been happening?
Lots of work has been completed over the past month! Portland General Electric (PGE) has relocated all of their utility poles and energized the newly-located school zone flashing beacons. Four curb ramps compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at the intersection of SE Alder and 174th Avenue will be completed this week, along with most curb and storm water catch basins.
What's coming up?
The project contractor, Interlaken Inc., is working to finalize all concrete work as they prepare for their final paving days beginning the week of June 24. The intersection of SE Alder and 174th should be completed and ready for pedestrian activity by the end of June.
Future work includes items like topsoil seeding in areas with furnishing zones between the sidewalk and street, electrical work on the school zone beacons, and pavement striping. Street trees won't be planted until closer to the fall when the weather is better for their establishment.
The planned schedule may be subject to change due to any unforeseen circumstances, including weather, schedules, and availability of materials.
Project Background
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) identified this segment of SE 174th Avenue as an important connection for students and families attending Alder Elementary School in the Reynolds School District. Members of the school community here highlighted the challenges walking and biking this corridor during a 2017 Safe Routes to School outreach process.
You can read more about the planning process and see a map of citywide project locations and routes on this webpage.
This project was made possible by funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Safe Routes to School Competitive Infrastructure Grant. Portland's Safe Routes to School program received $2 million in grant funding to support this project. PBOT is responsible for a 20% funding match.
Abra McNair / Project Manager
(971) 501-0419
It is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any city program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or other protected class status. Adhering to Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II civil rights laws, the City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, and auxiliary aids and services. To request these services, contact the Portland Bureau of Transportation at 503-823-5185 or 311 (503-823-4000), for Relay Service & TTY: 711.