Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
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Construction continues on N Willis Boulevard

News Article
New sidewalks are in place on some blocks of N Willis Boulevard while demolition work continues west towards N Newman Avenue. PBOT's contractor, Interlaken Inc., began work the first week of October.

Project updates

Crews are installing electrical conduit and foundations this week for the improved signal at N Wayland Avenue. Concrete work is in progress on corner ramps at multiple intersections along N Willis Boulevard, including N Chautauqua Boulevard, and Foss and Dana avenues.

In the coming weeks, the westernmost blocks of the project between N Dana and Newman avenues will be prepped for concrete by removing existing vegetation, packing down soil, and installing sidewalk forms.

Active work zones are in place along many sections of the project area with demolition, concrete pours, and curing happening simultaneously. 

Crews work on a fresh concrete pour on N Willis Blvd
Crews put the finishing touches on a fresh concrete sidewalk and curb wall between N Foss and Wayland avenues. Photo by PBOT.
A new accessible curb ramp cures in the sunshine.
Just down the block, a newly-poured curb ramp cures on the southwest corner of N Willis Boulevard and N Foss Avenue. Photo by PBOT.
An excavator pulls up a pipe from the street
An excavator pulls up a storm water pipe from a saw-cut hole in the pavement at the intersection of N Wayland Avenue and Willis Boulevard. The project will replace the pipe and rebuild all four corners at this crossing with curb ramps that comply to the latest Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Photo by PBOT.

Construction Impacts

The traveling public should continue to expect delays while work progresses. Please travel slowly and cautiously in work zones, observe all detours and directions by reader boards and flaggers, and use alternate routes if possible. Expect dust, noise, vibrations, and heavy equipment near the work zone.

Traffic impacts and routing will vary based on work being done. During road closures, detour routes will be marked. Lane reductions will be identified with cones or have flaggers in place. Maintaining pedestrian routes will be prioritized throughout the project. 

TriMet bus stops for lines 4 and 35 may be impacted by construction and temporarily relocated or closed. 

Some work is weather-dependent, and the schedule may change.

Project Background and Funding

The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Safe Routes to School program identified this segment of N Willis Boulevard as an important connection for students and families attending schools in the Roosevelt School District of Portland Public Schools (PPS). Members of the school community highlighted challenges on their neighborhood walking routes during a 2017 Safe Routes to School outreach process.

This project was made possible with funding from PBOT's Fixing Our Streets program. Voters approved the Fixing Our Streets 10-cent gas tax in May 2016, and again in 2020 and 2024. PBOT's Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program was allocated funding through Fixing Our Streets for school access improvements across Portland. 

You can read more about the SRTS planning process and see a map of citywide project locations and routes on this webpage. 

Thank you for your patience during construction. For any questions or concerns, please use the contact information below. 

Abra McNair / Project Manager

(971) 501-0419

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