SE 92nd and Lincoln Crossing Improvements

As part of the SE 92nd and Lincoln intersection project, PBOT crews will improve pedestrian access and visibility for people crossing. They will also separate bicycle travel lanes from automobile travel lanes through the intersection.
On a bright, sunny day with blue skies, we see a view of newly completed SE 92nd and Lincoln's construction project. Large yellow concrete planters separate a painted bike lane from car travel lanes, and a new crosswalk passes by a fresh concrete median island that still has cones sitting on it.
Completed September 2023
On this Page

What's Happening Now?

Construction was completed in September 2023.

Project Background and Description

This crossing was identified as an important connection for students and families accessing Harrison Park School. Walking routes and problem intersections were highlighted by school communities during a Safe Routes to School outreach process held throughout 2017.

You can read more about the planning process and see a map of citywide project locations at

Here are the planned project elements for SE 92nd and Lincoln (numbers correspond with the image below):

  1. Build a segment of sidewalk and three new curb ramps on the NW and SW corners of the intersection 
  2. Mark crosswalks across SE Lincoln and SE 92nd Ave
  3. Build a concrete island in the SE 92nd Ave crosswalk to provide a waiting space for people walking
  4. Tighten turning radius to slow southbound vehicles turning right from SE 92nd onto SE Lincoln
  5. Separate automobile and bicycle travel lanes with concrete barriers
  6. Extend the east side bike lane through the intersection
  7. Adjust parking spaces by: removing six (6) legal parking spaces, but adding four (4) new legal parking spaces. This will be a total change of removing two (2).
An aerial view of the 92nd Ave and Lincoln intersection project. Components from this image can be found in the website text.
Project design showing locations of different components and street parking space changes.

Project Funding

The Fixing Our Streets 10-cent citywide gas tax was approved by voters in May 2016 and again in May 2020. The Safe Routes to School program receives funds from Fixing Our Streets to improve access to schools across Portland.  
