BIKETOWN is Portland Bureau of Transportation's (PBOT) bike-share program operated by Lyft and sponsored by NIKE, Inc. Learn about BIKETOWN, Adaptive BIKETOWN’s rentals for people with disabilities, and the BIKETOWN for All program that provides affordable options for people living on low incomes.
Portland Sunday Parkways Presented by Kaiser Permanente promotes healthy active living through a series of free events opening the city's largest public space - its streets - to walk, bike, roll, and discover active transportation. Program run by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
Through the Rose Lane Project, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is giving buses and streetcars priority on the road, helping more Portlanders get where they need to go more reliably and quickly.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program helps kids and their families walk, bike, and roll to and from school and around their neighborhoods. Through education and infrastructure improvements, we increase safety, encourage physical activity, and much more.
The Transportation Wallet offers passes and credits so people have more choices to get around: transit, bike-share, e-scooters, and ride-share. Programs exist in parking districts, for people on low incomes, and in new multifamily buildings. Offered by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT)
Through the Vision Zero program, Portland Bureau of Transportation and our partners are working to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries on our streets.
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