Knowing the law as it relates to bicycles is one part of sharing the road and staying safe while traveling. For a more complete description of safe biking practices, see the "Getting Around Safely"section of the Portland Biking Guide.
A bicycle is considered a vehicle under Oregon law, so people riding bikes must follow the same rules as people operating motor vehicles, with some exceptions.
Portland Bike Laws:
Maintain control of the bicycle at all times
- Save the no-hands and trick riding for the BMX park
Yield to Pedestrians
- Stop at crosswalks when pedestrians show intent to cross, when they are in your lane or an adjacent lane (ORS 811.028).
- Use the stopping/slowing hand signal to let traffic behind you know to stop also.
- Cyclists must yield to all pedestrians when riding on sidewalks.
Ride in the same direction as traffic
- Unless you are in a specifically marked “contra-flow” bike lane (ORS 814.400).
Obey traffic signals and signs
- People on bicycles may treat a stop sign or flashing red light as a “Yield” sign, but make sure to slow and check for traffic that has the right of way. You must stop if necessary to prevent a crash (ORS 814.414, 814.416).
- Bicyclists must stop at steady red lights (standard traffic signal).
- Be alert for bicycle-specific traffic signals at some intersections with high levels of bike traffic.
Signal your turns and stopping or slowing
- Use your hand to point the direction you are planning to turn.
- The law requires signaling 100 feet before the turn, unless both hands are needed on the handlebars to maintain control of the bike (ORS 814.440).
Use lights on the front and rear of your bike at night and in poor visibility conditions
- The legal requirement is a white light on the front visible from 500 feet and a red light or reflector on the back visible from 600 feet (ORS 815.280). Lights front and rear will make you the most visible.
Riders should stay to the right, and if there is a bike lane present must use the bike lane
- If you’re riding a bicycle on a road at less than the normal speed of traffic, you’re required to ride “as close as practicable to the curb or edge of roadway” except when:
- overtaking or passing another bicycle or vehicle,
- preparing to execute a left turn,
- avoiding hazardous conditions, or
- the lane is not wide enough to allow safe passing by a motor vehicle.
- In these cases, a bicyclist may need to “take the lane” to avoid being squeezed against the curb or parked cars by passing traffic. (ORS 814.420, 814.430).
Bicycles may use the sidewalk, except downtown
- When riding on a sidewalk one must slow to walking speed when approaching an intersection, driveway, etc. where motor vehicles are present. (ORS 814.410).
- Also, you must not suddenly leave a curb and move into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to be an immediate hazard.
- The area in downtown Portland where bikes may not use the sidewalk is bounded by SW Jefferson Street, Front Avenue, NW Hoyt Street and 13th Avenue (Portland City Code 16.70.320 E).
A bicyclist must give an audible warning to a pedestrian when passing them on a sidewalk or path
People under 16 years old must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle
If you want to go straight to the source, here are links to relevant portions of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and the Portland City Code:
Drivers' Duties to Pedestrians and Bicycles Chapter 811
Additional statutes regarding equipment ORS Chapter 815
Portland City Code regarding bicycles
Additional resources:
State of Oregon Drivers Manual (pdf)
State of Oregon Bicyclists Manual (pdf)
Pedal Power: A Legal Guide for Oregon Bicyclists (pdf, prepared by Thomas, Coon, Newton and Frost, Attorneys at Law)
Oregon E-Bike Rights: A Legal Guide for Electric Bike Riders (pdf, prepared by Thomas, Coon, Newton and Frost, Attorneys at Law)