Struck Traffic Safety Campaign

Struck campaign poster
'Struck' is our campaign to support safe travel speeds.
On this page

As people travel faster, the risk of death or serious injury rises dramatically. A person walking struck by a person driving 40 mph is eight times more likely to die than one struck by a person driving at 20 mph.

The Struck campaign was evaluated to help inform future efforts to support safe speeds and other safety education.

What You Can Do to Support Safe Speeds

  • Set the pace. Following speed limits helps keep you and others safe.
  • Stay strong. Avoid being pressured into speeding.
  • Share the love. Share the Struck materials below with family or friends.

Printable Posters


Images (11.73 Mb)

Animated GIF Images (272.22 Mb)



Portlanders continue to express interest in sharing the "20 is Plenty" campaign from 2018.

While we no longer have yard signs available, we are making the art work available for people wanting to create and purchase their own materials.

The bike jersey below is an example of how the art has been used.

20 is Plenty
20 is Plenty
Vision Zero logo
Vision Zero front jersey
Vision Zero back jersey