Services, Guides, and Information

45 services and resources found
Explainer from the Portland Bureau of Transportation) about “rest in red” technology for traffic signals. How the technology works, how it’s deployed, what it costs. Information provided by PBOT’s Traffic Systems & Operations group and Vision Zero team.

Safe Ride Home

Safe Ride Home is a partnership between the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), taxis, transportation network companies (like Lyft and Uber), the Portland Police Bureau, and bar owners to offer reduced-cost rides on targeted holidays and events to prevent people driving under the influence.
A colorful, tongue-in-cheek message designed to encourage people to slow down when driving.
Speeding is a top contributing factor to deadly crashes across the Portland region. Speed and intersection safety cameras are a proven tool to support safe speeds, reduce dangerous speeding, and save lives.

Speed limits

Speed limits help keep yourself and others safe on our streets.

Street lighting

Streetlights make it easier for people to avoid crashes and can reduce the incidence of crashes at specific locations. Better street lighting is critical for Portland to meet its Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries.
'Struck' is our campaign to support safe travel speeds.
You are key to helping the us end traffic violence on our streets.
Traffic classes can help people travel safely on our streets.
Five one-minute videos that address top traffic safety issues in Portland. Content produced by the Portland Bureau of Transportation.
Following a deadly crash, we install temporary displays to recognize the impact of traffic violence.
Negative safety consequences linked to increasing vehicle size trends
Helping people see each other at intersections can improve safety for everyone. Removing parking at intersections and crossings can make the location safer for all modes.

Vision Zero data

We use equity data and traffic crash data to identify and prioritize investments.
The Vision Zero Task Force was dissolved on January 25, 2021. To take the next step in delivering safety outcomes, the Vision Zero program will transition from engagement with the broad-based task force to targeted action with specific partners and more transparent progress reporting.
In the past, a lot of traffic safety work focused on the individual behavior of road users. In contrast, Vision Zero’s Safe System approach considers how the people who design, build, and manage the transportation network can prioritize the lives and health of people using the system.  
На этом сайте приводится обзор возможных вариантов урегулирования ситуации после получения вами повестки о превышении ограничения скорости, зарегистрированном камерой системы обеспечения безопасности в Портленде.