Accessible pedestrian signals (APS), explained

Accessible pedestrian signals (APS) are push-button devices communicating information on WALK and DON'T WALK intervals in non-visual ways such as audible tones, speech messages, and vibrating surfaces. Resources from the Signals & Street Lighting team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
Remote Media URL

This is the Pedestrian Detection map. It shows the locations and types of pedestrian detection at signalized intersections in Portland, Oregon. PBOT understands that this map is not screen reader accessible and is working toward a permanent solution. Due to the complexity of the information the map provides and the currently available map platforms at the city, we ask for your patience while we work on a technology-based solution. As we work toward providing that level of accessibility, please contact 311 (503-823-4000) or PBOT’s ADA Coordinator at 503-823-5703 or

Request an accessible pedestrian signal

For instructions and our request form, visit the website below:

Request an accessible pedestrian signal (APS)

Public records statement

Information you provide to the city is a public record and may be subject to release under Oregon’s public records law. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request. See our privacy statement for more information.

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