Services, Guides, and Information

24 services and resources found
Ifan ussun an ei PBOT’s Slow Streets/Safe Street Initiative (Túmúnún Won Anenap) epwe fiis? Aneani ekkewe kapaseis aramas iir mei sou kapaseis fanitan me ekkewe pekiin aùrèèùr mei kawor seni we Portland’s Neighborhood Greenways fansoun osukosuken COVID-19.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) Healthy Blocks program was an innovative response to the COVID-19 pandemic and has since retired. Please see our Block Party program for information on hosting an event on your neighborhood street today!
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) launched the Safe Streets Initiative in response to the Covid-19 public health crisis. Part of this initiative is FREE, temporary, 5-minute pickup/drop-off permit to use a designated parking space near your business. Zones are valid through June 30, 2022.
Apply for Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Outdoor Dining. Steps to follow before applying, fee schedule, links to design guidance and permit conditions.
Các Tuyến phố Đi chậm | Sáng kiến Đường phố An toàn của PBOT sẽ hoạt động như thế nào? Đọc các câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn của chúng tôi về việc sử dụng Neighborhood Greenway của Portland trong cuộc khủng hoảng sức khỏe cộng đồng Covid-19.
Guide for Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) outdoor dining permits. Businesses are required to have an outdoor dining permit to have food or beverage service in the public right-of-way. Permits will be under the new Outdoor Dining program, previously called “Healthy Businesses”.
Cum va funcționa inițiativa PBOT Străzi lente | Străzi sigure? Citiți întrebările noastre frecvente și instrucțiunile noastre pentru folosirea zonelor Neighborhood Greenways din Portland în timpul crizei de sănătate publică Covid-19.
Companies may sign up with the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) to provide additional resources for permit holders with the Healthy Businesses program—construction materials, design, installation, maintenance, labor, or discounts. Partnerships can be limited to support communities of color.
Sidee ayuu Ambaqaadka PBOT ee Waddooyinka Taraafikada Yar | Waddooyinka Ammaanka Ah u shaqeeyaa? Ka akhri su’aalahayaga aalaba la isweydiiyo iyo tilmaameyaashayada sida loo isticmaalo Neighborhood Greenways ee Portland inta lagu jiro dhibaatooyinka caafimaadka dadweynaha ee cudurka COVID-19.
PBOT is helping create more room in crowded areas where people, especially pedestrians, might find it harder to keep six feet apart, such as on narrow sidewalks, at crowded bus stops, or at busy intersections where people wait to cross. PBOT will use physical barriers, paint, and other markings.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has started a new initiative called Safe Streets to respond to the Covid-19 public health crisis. PBOT will make temporary changes to city streets to give people more space to walk, bike, roll, do business, and get around in their neighborhood
How will PBOT's Slow Streets program work? Read our frequently asked questions and our guidelines for using Portland's Neighborhood Greenways.
Как будет осуществляться инициатива PBOTSlow Streets | Safe Streets («Тихие улицы | Безопасные улицы»)? Прочтите вопросы, ответы и наши инструкции по использованиюNeighborhood Greenways (зелёных зон) в Портленде во время кризиса общественного здравоохранения в связи с Covid-19.
Як буде втілюватися ініціатива PBOT Повільні вулиці | Безпечні вулиці? Прочитайте список запитань, які найчастіше ставляться, та інструкції з використання зелених зон в мікрорайонах міста (Neighborhood Greenways) під час пандемії Covid-19.
पिबिओटीको (PBOT's) सुस्त सडकहरू| सुरक्षित सडकहरूका लागि कसरी पहल गरिनेछ? कोभिड-१९को (Covid-19) सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य संकटको समयमा पोर्टल्याण्ड नेबरहुड ग्रिनवे प्रयोगका लागि हाम्रा प्रायःसोधिने प्रश्नहरू र निर्देशनहरू पढ्नुहोस्।
波特兰市交通局(PBOT)的“放慢速度、安全道路”措施会如何进行?请看我们的常见问题解答和关于如何在新冠病毒(COVID-19)公共卫生危机期间使用波特兰市的邻里绿化道(Neighborhood Greenways)的指导原则。