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Greenways Volunteer Program

The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) initiated Slow Streets | Safe Streets during the COVID-19 public health crisis. Learn about the Greenways Volunteer effort that helped support the program.
On this page
A person kneels next to an orange and white folding traffic barricade with a "Go Slow, Share the Road" sign posted on it. They are wearing a green t-shirt, a green bandana face mask so you can only see their smiling eyes. They are giving a thumbs up sign.

Greenways Volunteer Program Overview  

The Greenways Volunteer program is no longer active.

The Greenways Volunteer program invited neighbors to become active participants in the safety and sustainability of the Greenways installations. Volunteers fostered Slow Streets | Safe Streets, making it easier and safer for people to move around the city and supporting the City of Portland's re-opening process. Volunteers took leadership roles in maintaining nearby barricades and signs.  

Volunteer opportunities included:

  1. Slow Streets Superheroes: Spread across Portland, Slow Streets Superheroes will perform weekly checks of multiple Greenways installations. Together, the team will keep these barricades and signs looking crisp, clean and correctly in place to create space for social distancing on the Greenways. Volunteers report issues to the PDX Greenways Response Team, who will take care of any issues. 
  2. Adopt-an-installation: Neighbors who live near a Greenways installation will help monitor and report issues for the duration of the Slow Streets initiative. Additionally, these volunteers will be leaders in helping bring neighborhood activation to the Greenways streets, once it is safe to do so.
  3. Greenways Decoration: The Greenways Volunteer Program offers the opportunity to bring art, community, culture and messages of hope to the Greenways installations and streets. Community contributions are the key to unique and meaningful decorations along Greenways streets. The volunteer program will offer safety requirements, decoration guidelines, and logistic support to community leaders of such projects. All projects must receive approval from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).

Volunteer Expectations 

  • Act professionally and safely when given the opportunity inform our neighbors of the Slow Streets initiative
  • Offer information and stories about our neighborhood greenways and how they are providing neighbors more room to be active while maintaining recommended physical distance
  • Gladly help people driving cars and provide information about the project

Do Not:

  • Block people driving from accessing a neighborhood greenway

Greenways Volunteer Job Description

Our Commitment to Safe Streets for Everyone

PBOT recognizes that all people do not experience personal safety equally while using our streets. Much work needs to be done to ensure all Portlanders are free of hate and harassment in our streets. We are committed to making the streets safe for everyone. Read Director Chris Warner's statement on the work ahead for creating a more just transportation system.

To be a successful partner in this volunteer program, all our volunteers must agree to advance this commitment. We invite ideas and participation from people and communities impacting disproportionately by hate in the right of way. We want to implement your ideas. These voices will help the volunteer program be truly successful.

Volunteer Health and Safety

The health and safety of volunteers and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic is the highest priority as work begins. The Greenways Volunteer program expects all volunteers to follow safety protocols, including wearing face coverings when performing volunteer duties, and maintaining a minimum six-foot distance between themselves and others. 

Basic guidelines:

  • If you feel sick, or have COVID symptoms, please stay home. 

  • Face coverings are required to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

  • Maintain a minimum of six-foot distance between yourself and others. 

  • Cover your sneeze or cough with a tissue or your elbow. 

  • Do not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact. 

  • Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer 


PBOT Customer Service (by PDX 311)

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