Resources during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Safe Routes to School team has assembled a list of resources for families to access during the closure of Oregon schools in response to COVID-19.
On this page

(New!) Mental Health and Wellness

Talk to someone

Find resources

Support healing and resilience

Multilingual information about COVID-19

Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19 (video)

The City of Portland and Multnomah County Health Department developed a video to make sure all community members get important messages about how to stay safe, slow the spread of the virus and get updated information.

You can access the video translated into 30 languages here

General COVID-19 Information from Multnomah County

Children's Story about COVID-19

This is a story developed for and by children from around the world through the coordination of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). Over 1,700 children, parents, caregivers and teachers from around the world took the time to share with the IASC about how they were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Recursos en español

Ways You Can Help


Online Learning and Shelter-In-Place Activities

Outdoor Learning and Family Activities

Please note: Make sure to follow CDC guidelines and wash your hands before and after you visit a park, trail, or natural area, or any other public space. Maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others. The Portland Bureau of Transportation strongly encourages community members to follow the latest state and county guidance and stay at their homes as often as possible, unless they are engaged in essential activities.

Printable Scavenger Hunt:

Let’s get active by exploring your neighborhood with the Safe Routes to School Scavenger Hunt. Go on a walk, or ride around your neighborhood following traffic and Covid-19 safety tips. Seamos activos explorando el vecindario con la búsqeda del Tesoro de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela. Camina, anda en ruedas por tu vecindario siguiendo los consejos de seguridad de COVID-19 y Tránsito.

هيا إلى النشاط من خلال استكشاف حيك السكني ورحلة البحث عن الطرق الآمنة إلى المدرسة. طف سيرًا على الأقدام أو في مركبة في أرجاء حيك السكني ملتزمًا بالتعليمات المرورية وتعليمات السلامة والوقاية من فيروس كوفيد 19.

在前往学校的安全路线上进行寻宝游戏,以更积极的方式探索邻近的社区。 遵守交通和新冠肺炎(Covid-19)的安全提示,以步行或骑乘自行车的方式探索你邻近的社区。

Будем физически активными и узнаем свой микрорайон, следуя безопасным маршрутам во время школьной охоты за предметами. Пойдите на прогулку или покатайтесь по своему микрорайону, cоблюдая правила дорожного движения и правила безопасности в связи с КОВИД-19.

Hãy cùng vui khoẻ bằng cách khám phá khu xóm của bạn với hoạt động Truy Tìm Kho Báu trên Đường đến Trường An Toàn. Đi bộ, hoặc chạy xe đạp trong khu xóm tuân thủ giao thông và hướng dẫn an toàn cho Covid-19.

Printable Bingo Activity:

Let’s keep our bodies and minds healthy with exercise. Follow this bingo card to do fun activities inside and outside your home. 

لنحافظ على صحة أجسادنا وعقولنا من خلال ممارسة التمارين. اتبع بطاقة البينغو هذه لممارسة أنشطة ممتعة داخل منزلك وخارجه.  

让我们通过运动保持身心健康。 跟着这张 Bingo(宾果)卡指示,在家中或户外进行一些有趣味的活动。

Давайте будем поддерживать организм и мозг здоровыми с помощью физических нагрузок. Следуйте инструкциям на карточке игры в бинго по выполнению интересных заданий дома и на улице.

Mantengamos nuestro cuerpo y mente saludable con actividad física. Sigue esta tarjeta de bingo con actividades entretenidas para disfrutar dentro y fuera de casa.   

Hãy giữ cho cơ thể và tinh thần khoẻ mạnh bằng việc tập thể dục. Theo dõi tờ Bingo này để thực hiện những hoạt động vui trong nhà và ngoài trời